Part 50

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Hailey POV:

I walked into the office the next day. As usual, I got off the elevator and Cole was waiting for me with coffee.

Cole: Here ya go.

I take the coffee out of his hand and we start walking to his office.

Cole: I have some amazing news. A permanent position opened up for you here.

Hailey: I thought you just wanted me here for a couple weeks.

Cole: Well, you have done so well here that I pushed for a position for you.

Hailey: Cole, you didn't have to do that.

Cole: I know. I wanted to. I like having you here. We are a good team.

Hailey: Thanks, but you know my heart is in Intelligence.

Cole: I know, but with a kid on the way, this job will fit your lifestyle better. It's a 9-5 job with no weekends and holidays and it's a lot less dangerous.

We walked into his office. I shut the door.

Hailey: How did you know I'm pregnant?

Cole: Hailey, never in my life, have you ever been to a restaurant and not had at least one beer and you check your blood sugar at lunch which you never did before so I'm guessing you have gestational diabetes.

Hailey: I really was going to tell you.

Cole: It's all good. I hope he makes you happy.

Hailey: He does. He's a good man. He treats me right.

Cole: That's good. If you're happy, then I'm happy. I do want you to consider the position.

Hailey: I thought you had to be at least a Sargeant to work here.

Cole: You do. I'll help you with your sergeant exam and you know I'll push it through.

Hailey: I know you will. I appreciate what you did back then, but that created a permanent red flag on my record.

Cole: You know I didn't mean for that to happen.

Hailey: I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm the detective meritoriously promoted.

Cole: I have told everyone that's bull. You earned that promotion.

Hailey: It still doesn't change the fact.

Cole: Look, I get that you're skeptical, but this time we aren't in a relationship.

Hailey: I'll think about it.

Cole: I guess that's all I can ask. 

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