Part 23

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Adam POV:

That morning, I did our same routine for the morning. I fixed waffles and fruit for breakfast. After that I fixed the princess and dinosaur sandwiches for the kids. I ate breakfast first then Sara ate when I was getting ready for work.

We head out the door. We drop the kids off at school. On our way to the district, we get a call that there's a body.

At the house, Sara investigates the body while I question neighbors outside. I talked to one witness, they saw the offender get on a motorcycle and fly like a bat out of hell after they heard a gunshot. I didn't see a gunshot wound on the victim. I go inside and look for holes in anything. The crime scene was clean. This was an unusual scene. Usually, crime scenes are messy. I look at the victim's bedroom. I look through her drawers and her closet. Bingo. A bullet when through the wall. I continue to investigate and get a crime lab to investigate. I go to walk downstairs and I hear Kim screaming "Sara! Hey! Can you hear me?!". I rush down stairs. Kim is holding her head in her lap.

Adam: "What happened?"

Kim: "I don't know. She was investigating the victim then she tried to stand up and she just passed out."

Adam: Someone call an ambulance. She's pregnant.

Holy crap! Couple minutes go by and paramedics come in. It's Brett and Emily.

Brett: What happened?

Kim: I don't know. She just passed out while trying to stand up.

Emily: How far along is she?

Adam: About 30 weeks give or take.

Brett: Sara, can you hear me?

Sara laid lifeless.

Emily: Her blood pressure is through the roof.

Brett: Okay. Let's get her on a backboard.

They get Sara on a backboard and into an ambulance.

Brett: Adam meet us at Med. We've already called up there.

Everything was just happening so fast.

Voight: Adam, I'll drive you up there. You can't drive.

I go with Voight. We get to med. I scan the ED. Maggie sees me.

Maggie: Adam, what are you doing?

Adam: My wife, where is she? Sara, Sara Upton.

Maggie: They immediately took her to the OR. Labor and Delivery got her. 

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