Part 28

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Adam POV:

A couple weeks past, I was ready to get out of the house. I can't stand being at home all the time. I take Noah, go grab the team some food and go visit the team at work. It's been so boring at home. I love having this time alone with Noah and all the kids, but I just needed to get out. It's been a rough couple of weeks. Sara and I have been fighting about everything every other day. I've slept on the couch more than a few nights. Last night was one of those nights.

I walk upstairs to the bullpen. Everyone was so excited to see Noah. Sara was in the back room for some reason.

Voight: Hey Adam.

Hailey: Hey, it's my favorite nephew.

Kim: Aww, look how big he's gotten.

Vanessa: Look at them chubby cheeks

Hailey takes Noah from my hands.

Jay: Hey brother. How's maternity leave?

Adam: Boring. I'm ready to come back. I've never been this bored.

Kevin: We miss you.

Everyone is admiring Noah. Sara comes to the bullpen. Things are kind of on the ledge with us. Last night was a full on screaming match. Sara and I talk in our own corner.

Sara: Adam, I didn't know you were coming.

Adam: Last minute decision. I brought food.

Sara: Thanks.

Adam: Oh, last night, I forgot to tell you that I have to testify next Saturday at 9:00 from an old case.

Sara: Okay. The kids have a school lock-in Friday night, but won't be back until 2. Who's watching Noah? I have to go to California for two weeks for a medical examiner conference.

Adam: What?

Sara: Yes, I told you this.

Adam: You most certainly did not.

Sara: Yeah, it's on the calendar.

Adam: So. You still have to tell me this stuff.

Sara: Okay, well I'm telling you this now.

Adam: Look, we will talk about this later at home.

The team could tell we were fighting.

We all ate lunch together and then I and Noah went home in time to pick up the kids from school. 

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