Part 65

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Hailey POV:

I don't think I can ever get over losing Harrison. Jay and I went through so much with the pregnancy. Jay mourned a lot better than I did. I can't stand to go into the nursery unless it's at night. Harper sleeps in Jay and I's room where I know she's safe. Today, Adam and Kim came over with Noah to meet Harper. They came almost at the right time- I was almost done nursing Harper when they walked in.

Kim: Hey, Hailey.

Hailey: Kim, I'm glad you came.

Noah runs up me to and gives me a big hug.

Kim: Noah, watch out for Harper.

Hailey: He's fine. She's almost done.

Kim: How have you been?

Hailey: I've been okay. It's Jay I'm worried about. He wants to throw out all of Harrison's stuff. I don't think he's mourn Harrison. I think he's trying to pretend like he never existed.

Kim: It's hard on both of you. That just might be how he mourns.

Hailey: Could be. I just can't throw his stuff. He's our son. We are still his parents. But, I don't know how much longer I look at his stuff in the nursery.

Kim: You will always be his mother. You will eventually know what to do with his stuff. It just takes time. Have you visited him since the funeral?

Hailey: No, I haven't. I've been at home with Harper everyday. I haven't been outside since we brought home Harper.

Kim: Hailey. I think if you visit Harrison, you might feel a little better.

Noah: Mommy, I'm thirsty.

Kim: Okay, go get Adam to get your water.

Noah runs to the kitchen.

Hailey: How is Adam? He doing alright with Sara leaving for good.

Kim: How did you know about that?

Hailey: She visited Harper before she left.

Kim: Oh, well, he taking it okay. I just don't know how we are going to explain it to Noah when he's older. How do I tell a child that his biological mother doesn't care about him and left? I know she's your sister, but-

Hailey: You're good. We aren't close at all. She never did care about Noah. It's probably for the best she left. It's not like Noah has one less parent.

Kim: True.

Adam comes to the living room.

Adam: Noah is calling me Adam now.

Kim and I laugh.

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