Part 59

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Adam POV:

Noah is now ten months old and walking. He hasn't said his first word yet but Kim and I are working on it. It was a peaceful day off work. Kim and I got a lot of the laundry done and cleaning done. While taking a break, Kim and Noah were sitting on the carpet playing with his new truck we bought him while I was sitting in my chair in the living room.

Kim: Hey, Adam, did you record the game?

Adam: What game?

Kim: The hockey game at 5.

Adam: Yes.

Noah: Mama

There was a still silence.

Adam: Do you hear it?

Kim: Yeah I heard it.

Noah: Mama

Kim got so excited. She picked up Noah and got him closer to her.

Kim: Oh, his first word!

I got down with them.

Adam: Now, can you say Daddy? Daddy.

Noah: Mama

Adam: Daddy

Noah: Mama

Kim: I guess we know who the favorite is

Adam: Come on Noah. Daddy. Daddy.

Noah: Mama

Kim: Oh, good job Noah

Adam: Oh, that reminds me, not to bring up a sore subject, but it's Sara's two weeks in the summer next week.

Kim: Oh, great. Well, she's not going to like Noah calling me Mama.

Adam: No she's not, but she gave all that up when she signed the divorce papers

Kim: Yeah. So, what am I to Noah? Am I going to be Mom or stepmom or just Dad's casual friend who lives with him?

Adam: Mom, of course. I want you here for the long hall.

Noah: Mama

Kim: Can you say Daddy?

Noah: Mama

Adam: I give up.

The phone starts ringing. It's Jay.

Adam: Hey, Jay

Jay: Adam, it's Hailey. She's in surgery.

Adam: Again

Jay: Yeah, she started bleeding about an hour ago

Adam: Damn, that's not good. I'll be over in a bit.

I hang up.

Kim: What's going on?

Adam: It's Hailey

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