Part 58

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Jay POV:

JAY: I need help. It's Hailey.

Maggie: Treatment 2. Page Ridges and Fisher

I put Hailey on the bed. The doctors immediately start working on her.

Maggie: Jay what happened?

Jay: I don't know. She was in the bed and started to feel pain and then I got her out of the bed and saw blood.

Dr. Fishers and Dr. Ridges come in and take over.

Ridges: We need to get up into the OR now. She's lost a lot of blood.

They take her up to the OR. I don't get any updates at all. It makes me extremely nervous. Will always said if you don't get an update from a long surgery, it's because things aren't going well up there. After four hours, the doctors come back.

Ridges: We were able to stop Hailey's bleeding. She's going to be in a lot of pain in the next week. She's not going to have a lot of range in motion. She should wake up in a couple hours.

Jay: What about the babies?

Fisher: We did everything we could. The previous surgery helped, but the babies were struggling hard. We delivered both of the babies. Only one made it. They were both in critical condition. It was a miracle that one made it.

I start breaking down. How am I going to tell Hailey? She's going to be devastated.

Ridge: Your baby girl is up in the NICU right now. She's going to have a long bumpy road to recovery.

Jay: Thanks.

I got up to the NICU to see her. She's so tiny. She might be a little bigger than my hand. She's so fragile. So beautiful. She has a million cords attached to her. I can't even hold her.

About an hour later, a nurse walks up to me.

Nurse: Mr. Halstead.

Jay: Yes.

Nurse: Your wife is waking up.

Jay: Thanks.

She's not my wife, but I really want her to be. She's now the mother of my children. I walk into her room. She's slowly coming out of the anastasia. She's a little disoriented.

Hailey: Jay 

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