Part 43

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Hailey POV:

Jay and I came home from the doctors office.

Hailey: Well, that was a little more than I was expecting.

Jay: Yeah, a lot more.

Hailey: We'll be fine. She didn't seem too concerned.

Jay: I think that's just her personality.

Hailey: Yeah, she's definitely a talker.

Jay: Will and Hannah recommend her.

Hailey: Yeah. Well, she saved Sara so she has to be good.

Jay: Yeah. So, twins?

Hailey: Yeah, we got to think of two names now. I was already struggling with one.

Jay: You've already thought of names?

Hailey: Yeah, I've always wanted kids. In high school and college, I kept diaries and one of the pages was always a list of baby names.

Jay: Wait, what? I need to see this diary of yours.

Hailey: It's in a bookcase.

Jay goes and grabs my diaries.

Jay: I can't believe you still have these.

Hailey: I just couldn't get rid of them.

He flips to the baby names page. He points to one of the names.

Jay: I like this one, if we have a girl.

Hailey: Okay, I still like that.

He points to another name.

Jay: If we have a boy.

Hailey: I love it.

Jay: Well, that was easy.

Hailey: I think that will be the easiest thing we'll ever do. Yeah.

I go to get a glass of water.

Jay: Have you talked to Voight yet about desk duty?

Hailey: I haven't. I really want to wait but now with the diabetes and the twin thing, I probably should. But, I don't want to be on the side lines. I'm fine being the first one through that door.

Jay: You can still do interrogations.

Hailey: Yeah. I'll call him.

I go fill up my glass again and I give Voight a call.

Hank: Voight.

Hailey: Hey, Sarg, how are you doing?

Hank: Doing good.

Hailey: So, I have some news. I have to go on desk duty for a while.

Hank: Why?

Hailey: I'm expecting.

Hank: Congratulations.

Hailey: Thanks.

Hank: Actually, I have something different for you. I need you up in the ivory tower.

Hailey: What for?

Hank: I don't know. I got a call yesterday that they want you to work up there for a little bit. Do you know someone up there?

Hailey: No, not personally. Haven't been there since Erin.

Hank: Okay. Well, you will report there Monday in uniform.

Hailey: Okay. 

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