Part 9

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Kim POV:

That's the doctor that came by looking for Hailey earlier. Adam stands next to Sara as she is investigating the victim. Oh, that's Adam's girlfriend Sara which is Hailey's half sister. I'm so confused there's so much going on in my head, however, it all boils down to two things. 1) Is Dr. Sara pregnant with Adam's baby? 2) Why hasn't Hailey told us about her? The whole team is confused. The rest is all kinda a blur. I have so many thoughts in my head that I just toned everything out. Eventually, we all go back to the district and work the case. As we were working the case, I got a moment alone with Adam in the locker room. He looks at me. He begins with, "I was going to tell you this morning". I'm honestly so angry with him for not telling me sooner and finding out when everyone else did. I thought we had that kind of relationship where we tell each other everything. Before he was anything romantic, he was my best friend. I look at him for a little bit. "Is it yours?" I ask. He knows I'm asking about Sara's pregnancy. "Yeah". That's exactly what I didn't want to hear.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, I know how hard it was when you miscarried"

"So you blind side me instead?!?" I say furiously.

"I was literally going to tell you this morning in the locker room".

I added, "Not only is she pregnant, but she's Hailey's sister".

"I didn't plan on dating her sister".

I'm pretty sure the team can hear our argument.

" But you kept dating her"

"Because, she's what I've been wanting. She wants and has a family, a dog and a white picket fence"

"That's what we could have had!" I say with a load of emotion.

The conversation has turned into a screaming match. Now he's angry.

"Now! You tell me now! I gave you every opportunity to be with me, but you didn't take it so I move on. Now, when I've moved on, you suddenly decide this!"

"I didn't decide anything. I'm saying we could have had the family, the dog and the white picket fence if I didn't miscarry".

Adam looks all kinds of shocked.

"You know I never blamed you for that".

"I know, that's what's making this so hard".

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