Part 63

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General POV:

What seemed liked years, weeks past. Hailey spent a week and a half in the hospital with Jay always by her side. Harper was still in the NICU. Things were looking up for her though. Jay and Hailey practically lived at the hospital with all the other parents hoping their babies will make it. Jay would go back and forth between the house for change of clothes and take out. Hailey stayed at the hospital. She never went back to the house. She didn't want to. She wanted to be there the second the doctors would let her hold her baby girl who still hasn't felt the touch of her mother. When Hailey got out of the hospital, Jay and Hailey buried Harrison. It was a rough ceremony for Hailey and Jay, but the team was with them the whole way. After ten weeks in the hospital, Hailey and Jay finally got to bring home their little girl to the nursery Jay and Hailey had worked very hard on. In the nursery, they had two cribs, two rocking chairs and a changing station that all matched their gender neutral theme. They also had baby clothes for their boy and girl ready for them. Today was the first day they would use the room. When they got home...

Hailey and Jay walk through the front door to a house they haven't lived in for ages.

Hailey: Jay, can you grab Harper's diaper bag out of the car?

Jay: Yeah.

As Jay grabs the diaper bag, Hailey showed Harper around the house. When Hailey got to the nursery, that is when things went downhill. Jay came back with the diaper bag and saw Hailey at the door frame of the nursery in tears.

Hailey: This is supposed to be for both of them.

Jay: I know. I'll get the other crib and rocking chair out of here.

Hailey: No, leave it.

Jay: Hailey, it's not a problem-

Hailey: please leave it. Harper can just sleep in our room.

Jay, Hailey and Harper got comfortable at home. Harper slept in Jay and Hailey's room. Jay went back to work and Hailey still stayed home with Harper for a while. They were taking the death of their son pretty well considering. However, in the middle of the night, every night, Hailey would go into the nursery and sit on the rocking chair that Harrison would have been rocked in. She would take his bear that he never got to hold and hugged it for him and softly cried so she didn't wake up Harper and Jay. The first few weeks, Jay tried to comfort her, but she just wanted to mourn the lost alone. 

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