Part 46

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Jay POV:

Hailey came home later than I did. When she got home, we talked about our day.

Hailey: Jay, I'm home.

Jay: Hey, I'm in the kitchen.

Hailey: Hey.

I gave her a big kiss.

Jay: How was your day?

Hailey: It was good. I actually figured out why I was called to the ivory tower.

Jay: Oh. Do tell.

Hailey: Turns out I do know someone high up. He wants my input on a couple of his cases.

Jay: Who?

Hailey: My old sargeant that I used to date.

Jay: You mean the one that-

Hailey: Yeah. That will forever be in my file.

Jay: So, he wants your input on cases?

Hailey: That's what he said.

Jay: And that's it?

Hailey: I think he wants me permanently up there.

Jay: Should I be concerned?

Hailey: No. I'm not leaving the team permanently.

Jay: About him?

Hailey: No, that's long over. He's just a friend.

Jay: Okay. Does he know you're pregnant?

Hailey: No. He has no idea.

Jay: Okay.

I say with hesitation. I trust Hailey. I don't know if I trust his intentions. He can work cases alone.

Hailey: Hey, can we go get some fries?

Jay: No. You're diabetic now. I got a chicken in the fridge.

Hailey: Crap. I really want some fries and chips.

Jay: I know. I'm sorry.

Hailey: I hate this. I really want some fries so bad.

Jay: I'll get the chicken started.

Hailey: I am having those chips though.

She goes and gets the chips.

Jay: Hailey.

Hailey: I have to take insulin anyways.

Jay: Hailey.

Hailey: Jay please. I'm craving it so bad. Your baby wants it.

Jay: Don't do that. You know I'll give in.

Hailey: So, I can have it?

Jay: Only this one time.

Hailey: Thank you. I love you.

Jay: Love you too. 

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