Part 36

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Sara POV:

I have the worst headache in the world. Oh, where am I? Oh, I'm in my room. Well, the only way to cure a headache is more alcohol. I know I have a bottle here somewhere. I get up and look for one. I found one I hid from myself in the bottom of my closet. I drink it in about 30 minutes. I want more. I just need to sneak out the house so I can quickly get some more. I grab the spare car keys I have and I climb out of the window to get into my car. I drive off. I buy a bunch of liquor from the store and I drive home. On my way home, I drank one of my bottles. I get pulled over. The officer gets out of his car and approaches mine. I'm screwed. I got an open bottle next to me and I left my driver's license at home. I turn to my widow to see what officer it is. It's Voight.

Hank: Sara, how many drinks have you had? It's 8:00 in the morning.

Sara: The better question would be how many bottles have I had.

Hank: You're damn lucky it was me that pulled you over and not someone else. Hailey called me and told me everything. Sara, I can arrest you. Charge you with DUI, reckless driving and who knows what else.

Sara: Voight, I really messed up with Adam. I'm a horrible wife. That's why Tyler left me. He was going to divorce me, but he died before he could.

Hank: None of that matters right now. What matters is we get you clean. We get you on a harsh detox.

Sara: Voight, I can't do that again.

Hank: I know, but you have to if you want to see your kids again. We have to do everything I say.

Sara: Voight, I was doing so good. I hadn't drank since my first child. Then at the airport, I really realised that my marriage was over so I sat at the airport bar.

Hank: Sara, I'm going to take you to an off the books rapid detox center where you're going to get your life together. Adam, Hailey, and Jay will take care of the kids. I will make sure you have a job to come back to if you still want it.

Sara: My marriage is done. I don't want it. I'm going to move back to Tyler's hometown.

Hank: Are you sure that's what you want?

Sara: Yeah. My kids loved that town. They love Tyler's parents. Chicago is just not for us.

Hank: Okay, I'm going to miss you.

Sara: I'll miss you to Hank. 

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