Part 61

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Sara POV: *Two weeks later*

The kids and I moved back to their Dad's hometown. It was best for us. All of our friends and family are there. I came back up to Chicago alone to spend my two weeks with Noah. It's been so long since I've seen him. For the two weeks, I'm staying with my father and Hailey's mother. I think they will like having him there. I got up to Adam's door. I ring the doorbell. The door opens.

Kim: Sara

Oh, geez. Of course Kim is here

Sara: Hi, Kim

Kim: Adam is getting Noah right now.

Sara: Okay. Great. Thanks.

I hear Noah run down the stairs and eventually see him. He's so big. I haven't seen him in forever. He goes and hugs Kim's leg.

Kim: Do you have all of your stuff packed?

Noah: Yes, mama.

Wait. Hold the phone. Noah is calling Kim mama. I'm his mom. He's my child. Adam comes up to the door.

Adam: Hey Sara.

Sara: Hey Adam.

Adam: So, all of his stuff is in his bag. He's favorite toy and blanket.

Sara: Okay. Thank you. We will be staying at my dad's while he's with me.

Adam: Sara, do you really think that's a good idea.

Sara: He's the only family I got other than Hailey

Adam: Sara, I dated Hailey. The stories she told me of your dad is horrifying. Don't take Noah there.

Sara: Well, Adam. I don't like Noah calling Kim mama so I think we're all a little unhappy.

Adam: Kim has been there more than you ever have. Of course he's going to call her mom. You gave up your mom title when you signed the papers. Even when we were still married, you never raised Noah. You went straight to work.

Sara: I gave you full custody so you can experience raising a child.

Adam: No, you gave me full custody because you don't even know Noah.

Sara: I think I know my own child.

Adam: I think you don't. What color is his favorite blanket?

Shoot, I really didn't know.

Adam: See. So, Noah is going to call whatever name he wants to call Kim and you are not taking Noah to your dad's. He'll come back with a broken arm.

Sara: My father had never laid a hand on me. Noah will be fine. Come on Noah.

I grabbed Noah and went to the car. As I was walking to the car with Noah in my hands, he screamed for Kim.

Noah: MAMA!! MAMA!! MAMA!!

Kim: It's okay Noah. I love you. 

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