Part 49

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Jay POV:

After I got off work, I texted Hailey wondering what she wanted for dinner. No response. I went home and waited for her. An hour past. I texted her again to see if she had something come up in a case. No response. I called her and she didn't respond. I call our tech guy to track Hailey's phone. He said it was pinging at a restaurant called Paula's for the past hour. I fixed myself some dinner and waited for Hailey to come home. After I ate, I did some laundry. It was 7:32 when Hailey got home. She had leftovers in her hand.

Hailey: Jay, I'm home.

Jay: You can't answer your phone.

Hailey: Oh, shoot I forgot to text you.

Jay: Yeah, I got that. Who were you with?

Hailey: With Lieutenant Cole Hallman.

Jay: Your sergeant you use to date? I thought you said he was just a friend.

Hailey: Yeah, he is just a friend.

Jay: Then why are you having dinner with him?

Hailey: Before we broke up, we were going to go to this place called Paula's, but we never made it there because we ended up breaking up when I got detailed to robbery-homicide.

Jay: Not only are you going to dinner with your ex-boyfriend behind my back, but you don't have the decency to text me that you aren't going to be home or pick up my calls.

Hailey: I'm sorry I forgot. It just kinda happened. My phone was on silent the whole day.

Jay: We have to start communicating better with you at IA. We aren't always together anymore.

Hailey: I know. I'll work on that.

Jay: Does he know you're pregnant?

Hailey: No, he has no idea.

Jay: Okay. I'm going to bed.

Hailey: Actually, I have something else to tell you.

Jay: There's more?

Hailey: Cole Hallman isn't just my ex-boyfriend. He's my ex-husband.

Jay: Ex-husband?

Hailey: Yeah, we got married.

Jay: And you never told me?

Hailey: Like you tell me everything?

Jay: I actually have told you everything. From Afghanistan to Abby to Lindsay.

Hailey: Well, how the hell do I bring up that I have an Ex-husband?

Jay: I don't know, maybe, when I tell you I have an ex-wife.

Hailey: You told me that when we were nothing else but partners.

Jay: You still could have mentioned it earlier.

Hailey: Again, when?

Jay: Look, you just have to text me back when you're not going to be home.

Hailey: Okay, I will. 

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