Part 51

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Voight POV:

I walk into work. Trudy tells me Commander Polina is waiting for me in my office. Why does she want to talk to me? I walk into my office.

Polina: Sergeant Voight, glad to see you.

Voight: My pleasure, what can I do for you?

Polina: Well, I have a little concern about one of your detectives. Detective Hailey Upton.

Voight: She's been assigned to Internal Affairs temporarily.

Polina: Yes. I got papers for her permanent transfer to Internal Affairs on my desk yesterday written up by Lieutenant Hallman.

Voight: News to me.

Polina: I thought so. I know nothing goes past you which is why I want to see what's going on. Well, I read her file and there's some red flags one there. I saw she was meritoriously promoted to detective by Hallman under the last Commander. Now she's trying to get promoted to sergeant by Hallman again.

Voight: Look, I don't know what's going on here. She hasn't told me anything about this.

Polina: I just need to know your opinion. I value your opinion a lot more than you think. Would she be a great sargeant?

Voight: Yeah, she would. She would be one of my top picks to run this unit.

Polina: Okay. I'm going to detail her back into Intelligence. She needs to be back to what she's good at. IA doesn't need her.

Voight: She's pregnant. She has to be on desk duty.

Polina: Okay. She can just be your tackle and technical specialist. If she wants to get promoted, she needs to be as far away from Hallman as possible.

Voight: Sounds good to me. She's one of my lead detectives.

Polina: Okay. I'll detail her back. 

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