Part 12

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Kevin's POV:

Today was awkward. Between Dr. Sara Upton showing up who is Adam's girlfriend and Hailey's half sister and Adam and Kim fighting about still having feelings for each other, I needed a drink. Vanessa and I have a low-key thing going on. Not sure what it is, but it's fun with no strings attached. We went to Molly's that night. We sat at the bar with Herman bartending. Vanessa and I were talking about Dr. Upton. We both agree that she seems chill, but her arrival came so sudden. As we were talking about her Herman overheard us.

"You talking about Sara Upton?" Herman chimes in.

"Yeah, you know her?" Vanessa asks.

"Cindy knows her. Her oldest is in our youngest class."

"What's the scoop on her?" I ask.

"She's too perfect."

"What?" I questioned.

"She's an involved working single mom who eats lunch with one of her kids once a week. Head of fundraising at the school. Curls her kid's hair every single day with the cutest outfits that you would only see on Pinterest. Fixing all her kids dinosaurs and princess sandwiches every single day. Her kids even have manners. Their clothes are never dirty. They eat lunch with napkins in their laps. Too perfect."

"Wow, that is too perfect." Vanessa comments.

"Yeah. I came home one night to Cindy crying because our youngest wished that Cindy was like Sara Upton". 

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