Part 15

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Sara POV:

I woke up to my kids jumping on Adam to wake up. I have a 11 year old, 9 year old, 6 year old and a 5 year old so there's never a dull moment around the house. I turn to look at my alarm clock. It's 6:00. Crap I'm running late. Shoot. Wait, no I'm not. I have Adam to help out in the morning. Adam helps me get the kids ready. He fixes breakfast and lunches. As he does that, I fix all their hair. I curl the girls hair and I comb and gel the boy's hair. The girls love feeling like a princess everyday. Growing up, it was only my mom and I. She was always working so I was on my own most of the time. As Adam gets ready, I get the kids backpacks ready for school. It was nice to have Adam here in the morning to help out.

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