Part 10

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Jay POV:

While we are working, we can hear Adam and Kim fighting in the locker room. We all can hear it. We all just let them fight. They have been through so much that this fight was bound to happen. Voight doesn't really care. He knows they need to have this fight to move on. As we are working the case and digging up leads, Hailey texts me, "So, I forgot to tell you I have a half sister". I chuckle. I thought we knew everything about each other. We have been partners for almost 4 years and dating a few months. We have spent so many nights at Molly's talking about anything and everything. While Adam and Kim continue to fight, Dr. Sara Upton comes up the stairs. Kevin sprints to the locker room to tell Kim and Adam that Sara is here. Voight comes out of his office, "Sara, what do you got for us?". Sara notices the fighting in the background." "I have my ME report on Jane Doe. Is this a bad time?" "No, not at all." Voight says. Kim and Adam come out of the locker room. I deliver my ME and go over the big points and summary. Voight gives his usual pep talk and tells us to investigate further in everything. 

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