Part 35

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Part Thirty Five

Jay POV:

That night, Hailey and I cleaned Sara up and took care of the kids.

We walked in. There was broken glass on the floor from where Sara got mad and slammed the bottle she just finished on the floor.

The kids were scared. They've never seen her like this. As I tucked in the kids for bed, they were telling me how much Adam and Sara fight every night. They basically raise Noah at night.

After we get it all situated, Hailey and I talk on Sara's couch.

Hailey: So, the ring.

Jay: Yeah.

Hailey: I don't want you to buy one right now.

Why? I thought things were heading that way. Why doesn't she want to marry me?

Jay: Why?

Hailey: I found out that I'm pregnant and I don't want a ring that's going to not fit in a couple months.

Jay: What?

Hailey: Yeah, I found out about three weeks ago.

Jay: What? You're pregnant?!

Hailey: Yeah, we're going to be parents.

Jay: Oh my gosh, that's the best news I've ever heard.

I hugged her tight. I'm going to be a dad!

Hailey: I wanted to tell you earlier, but I wanted to make sure this pregnancy sticks before I got your hopes up.

Jay: How far along are you?

Hailey: About 8 weeks.

Jay: We're having a baby.

Hailey: We're having a baby.

Jay: I can't wait to tell everyone.

Hailey: Well, I really don't want it to get out until I'm in the second trimester. I don't want what happened to Kim to happen to us.

Jay: Can I tell at least Will?

Hailey: He actually already knows. He saw me come out of the prenatal care room at the hospital.

Jay: Oh, well, does Sara know?

Hailey: No. She just been so caught up with her problems with Adam.

Jay: So, what exactly is going on with them?

Hailey: Basically, Adam was pissed that she was not present at all.

Jay: Cause she's not. She's either at work or at another scene for another case that isn't even ours.

Hailey: Yeah, pretty much.

Jay: So, speaking of work. How much longer are you going to be working?

Hailey: I want to work as long as possible, but I'll limit myself. I'll tell Voight, but I still want it on the down low.

Jay: Okay. So, do you want to get married?

Hailey: Depends, is this the proposal?

Jay: No, but do you want to get married eventually?

Hailey: Yeah. I've wanted to be with you for a while.

Jay: Okay, so, are we talking before you have the baby or after?

Hailey: It doesn't matter with me.

Jay: Okay. We're going to be parents.

Hailey: Yeah, nervous?

Jay: Extremely. 

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