Part 62

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Adam POV:

Two weeks past slowly, but eventually comes. Sara let us FaceTime Noah every night after the first night. Today, Noah comes back to Kim and I. I hear a car pull up. It's Sara bringing back Noah. The doorbell rings. Kim and I answer it. Noah runs up to Kim.

Noah: Mama!

Kim: Hi.

Sara: He ate around 12 so he should be okay for a while.

Noah goes straight inside and Kim follows him inside. It's just Sara and I at the door frame. I notice a new bruise on Sara's arm. I'm worried.

Adam: Everything go alright?

Sara: Yeah.

Adam: Sara, there's a bruise on your arm.

Sara: Yeah, I just hit my arm on the edge of the countertop.

Adam: So, if I check Noah, he's going to be clear.

Sara: Adam, do you really not trust me?

Adam: No, I really don't trust your father.

Sara: He's clear Adam.

Adam(shouting to Kim): Kim, check Noah for signs of abuse.

Sara: Adam, you really want to know. I went to the bar a few nights ago and when I got up I wasn't in the best of shape and ran into a couple things.

Adam: Sara, I thought you were doing good.

Sara: Yeah, I thought so too.

Adam: So, Noah was alone with your father while you were drinking at the bar.

Sara: He was with Hailey's mother too.

Adam: Sara, if he has one bruise on him, I will make sure that he never stays with you overnight. To where you only get to see him for a few hours supervised.

Sara: Adam, I'm not coming back to Chicago.

Adam: What?

Sara: Noah's home and family is clearly here with you and Kim. He can look me up online when he's older if he wants to me see.

Adam: Sara, you're not thinking straight.

Sara: I actually am. This is the best for him. He doesn't deserve to be jerked out of his home for two weeks with a complete stranger.

Adam: So, is this the last time I'll see you?

Sara: Yeah.

I give her a hug. We had our differences but I still care about her.

Adam: Safe travels Sara.

Sara: Thanks. 

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