Part 52

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Cole POV:

Wednesday, Commander Polina came to IA. She wanted to talk to me. Oh jeez. She has never liked me. I don't know why. She has hated me ever since she became Commander. She walks into my office where Hailey and I are working.

Hallman: Commander Polina. What can I do for you?

Polina: Detective Upton, if you don't mind. I need to have a word with Lieutenant Hallman.

Upton: Yes of course.

Hailey walks out of my office.

Polina: Why do I have a transfer quest and Sargeant request for detective Upton from you?

Hallman: Because I think Detective Upton will be a great asset at IA. She's been here for 2-3 weeks. She's cleared more cases than some of the Sergeant clear in two months.

Polina: I would watch what I say if I were you. You are on thin ice with me.

Hallman: Upton is good police and amazing at this job.

Polina: That doesn't mean you file papers on her behalf. Her sergeant at intelligence should have filed the papers. She was only supposed to be here for only a couple cases. The only reason I let her come up here was because I didn't read her file.

Hallman: I did need her. She has a unique perspective in the cases we get.

Polina: I'm detailing Detective Upton back to Intelligence where she belongs. Don't drag her down with you.

Hallman: What does that mean?

Polina: Hallman, you drag any cop you can through the mud. That's why cases haven't been closing. Don't ruin good cops. When these cops appeal, I have to deal with it. You have wrongfully convicted good cops. I'm tired of fixing your mess.

Hallman: Then keep Upton up here to keep me in line.

Polina: No, I'm bringing someone else up here instead. If Upton actually wants to get promoted anytime soon, she needs to be as far away from you as possible.

Hallman: Who are you bringing up here?

Polina: Detective Halstead. He's looking good for the new sergeant in Intelligence whenever Voight retires. 

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