Part 27

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Sara POV:

After a few days, Noah Alvin Ruzek and I came home from the hospital. The kids were so excited to meet their new baby brother. That night, Adam and I talked on the couch after all the kids went to bed.

Sara: It's so nice to be home.

Adam: I'm sure it's missed you.

Noah starts to cry.

Sara: I'll get him

Adam: No, the doctor told you to take it easy. I got him.

Adam gets Noah from the nursery. Eventually, he stops crying and Adam comes back to talk.

Sara: So, what do you think about you taking maternity leave while I work? Obviously, I would let myself recover from surgery first, but, what are your thoughts?

Adam: Why?

Sara: Well, I've done the whole baby phase with all the kids. I think it's your turn to have dedicated baby time with your first kid.

Adam: Umm, okay. I guess that makes sense.

Sara: Great, I'll text my boss that I'll be back next week.

Adam: Next week. Shouldn't you let yourself heal more.

Sara: I'll be fine.

Adam: That's what you've said for the past who knows how many weeks and you almost died a few days ago.

Sara: I will actually be fine. I've had C-sections before.

Adam: Sara, I really think you should reconsider.

Sara: Adam, I'll be fine.

Adam: Sara, you almost died. Has that not gone through your head? You of all people should know that once you're dead, you're dead. You almost let me and your kids behind.

Sara: But I didn't.

Adam: But you almost. I don't want you jumping into something you're not ready for again.

Sara: Like marrying you?

Adam: What? Why would you even say that?

Sara: Why? Because we jumped into this blind.

Adam: Because I thought that was the right thing to do.

Sara: Is it? Forcing ourselves to be with each other.

Adam: You know that's bull. We dated a few weeks before you knew you were pregnant.

Sara: We went out on a couple of dates. It was definitely not dating.

Adam: So, what?

Sara: So, we jumped into this without knowing each other.

Adam: Bull. You know that's bull.

We ended up arguing all night long while switching off duty when Noah cried. Adam ended up sleeping on the couch that night. 

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