Part 48

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Hailey POV:

The next day I go to the ivory tower and right when I get on to the floor Cole is waiting for me with coffee.

Cole: If I remember right, you like it black.

Hailey: Thanks.

I take the coffee even though I'm not supposed to have it. Jay has been taking this diabetes thing to the extreme. I know he's just being cautious because of what happened to Sara and Kim, but he can't control everything.

As we are walking to his office...

Cole: So, I was thinking last night.

Hailey: Oh geez. Nothing ever good comes after that.

Cole: No, it's a good thing. I hope. We never did get to have dinner at Paula's.

Hailey: The one with the shrimp fiestas.

Cole: Yeah. I could never bring myself to go there. Not without you at least. I tried, but it just reminded me of us.

Hailey: Me too. I still haven't been there.

Cole: Do you want to go there after work?

I have no plans. It would be nice to catch up with him without work surrounding us.

Hailey: Yeah, sounds good.

Cole: Great. Well, I got the statements on the police involved shooting on West 45th Street.

It was yet again a great day. We laughed so much. It seemed like nothing was different between us.

After we got done with work...

Cole: Okay, are you ready to go?

Hailey: Yeah, I just got to grab my keys.

Cole: Okay.

We had a nice dinner. We caught up. It was just like old times. We laughed over our memories of our relatives. We were lost in the moment. He paid the ticket. He didn't have to. I was going to pay. I got home around 7:30

When I got home, Jay was not happy at all. 

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