Part 33

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Kim POV:

At 10 o'clock that night, I got a knock at my door. I opened the door. It's Adam and he has Noah in his hands.

Adam: Hey.

Kim: Adam, what are you doing here?

Adam: I'm leaving her.

Kim: You're what?

Adam: Done with her. Divorcing her.

Kim: Adam, are you out of your mind?

Adam: Kim, I love you. I always have.

Kim: Adam, are you crazy?

Adam: No, I just want to be with you.

I'm shocked. Adam has always been that loyal soldier.

Adam: Kim, please, give me another chance.

Kim: Come inside. What happened?

That night Adam explained it all to me: all the fighting, her coming home drunk and him walking out the door with Noah while we sat on the couch. Noah was in a pack and played that Adam brought in his car.

Kim: So it's over?

Adam: Yeah I'm done.

Kim: Okay.

I walked over to him and I kissed him. He was genuinely surprised, but he kissed back. We kissed passionately like we're two teenagers falling in love. Before we knew it, both of us had our clothes off and we were in my bedroom. 

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