Part 38

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Hailey POV:

I came out of the kids bedroom. Adam hands a coffee.

Hailey: Hey Adam.

Adam: Congratulations on the baby.

Hailey: Jay, I thought we weren't going to tell anyone.

Adam: I figured it out.

Hailey: Oh, thanks. So, where did you go last night?

Adam: Just to a friend's house.

Hailey: Okay. Is that why you got coffee?

Adam: What?

Hailey: Adam, you only get coffee whenever you're going to work or coming from whoever you just slept with at home, otherwise, you brew it yourself. I would know, I dated you for a while.

Adam: You caught me. I stayed with Kim last night.

Hailey: So you left your wife here angry and drunk off her ass with the kids, but you take your kid and sleep with your ex-fiancee.

Adam: Hailey, you weren't there.

Hailey: I don't have to. You left those poor kids with a drunk. That's great parenting there.

Adam: Hailey, you haven't lived with Sara. You haven't had to put up with her bullshit.

Hailey: It's not about Sara. It's about the kids. When you married Sara, you didn't just marry Sara, you signed on with a life with her kids too.

Adam: I have been taking care of the kids every single night. I can't legally take her kids. I can only legally take mine.

Hailey: They are supposed to be both of yours.

Adam: Hailey, I have no legal authority over her kids. I can't just take them and run whenever I want to. I can with Noah.

Jay: Hailey, ease up on Adam.

Hailey: No, these kids need to be protected.

Adam: They were. They weren't in harm's way at all.

Hailey: Yeah, because a raging drunk is safe.

Adam: Hailey, please,not right now.

Hailey: You should have stayed.

Adam: I know. I screwed up.

Jay: To change the subject, Hailey, apparently, you are at risk for preeclampsia.

Hailey: Well, that's a great way to change the subject.

Adam: It's true.

Hailey: What?

Adam: Yeah, it possibly runs in the family. How far along are you?

Hailey: Eight weeks. Hey, I don't want this to get out right now.

Adam: Yeah, I understand.

Jay: Hailey, we got to go. We have lunch with Will and Hannah [Asher].

Hailey: Are you going to be okay?

Adam: Yeah, I got it from here

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