Part 24

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Vanessa POV:

Though Sara has only worked with us for a few weeks, we all really cared about her. She got a long and fit in with all of us. She was pretty much that mom that everyone wanted. She bought us all food on Friday's. She had unlimited office supplies.

She most definitely overworked herself. She was working pretty much every night. She got called to a lot of scenes. She pretty much determined if Intelligence takes the case or if homicide takes the case.

Adam arrives at the ED first.

The team walks through the doors of the ED.

We see him talking to Maggie. Then Dr. Manning comes to greet Adam.

Natalie: Adam, she's in critical condition. I believe she has preeclampsia. Has she been having headaches, blurred vision, or shortness of breath?

Adam: Yeah, but we thought it was from how much she's been working.

Natalie: Okay. Adam, they are working on her in the OR. They are most likely going to be delivering the baby. Go on up so you can see your baby.

Adam rushes up stairs. The team gathers in the waiting room.

Voight: Okay, I told homicide to take the case so we can all be here for Sara and Adam. Hailey, can you contact her Family?

Hailey: Sarg, she doesn't have any. I'll call Adam's sister and I guess his dad.

Hailey walks away to call them.

We waited for what seemed an hour, but it was probably only 30 minutes.

The doctor working on Sara from Labor and Delivery comes down to the waiting room to update the team. She walks in. We can tell from her face that there wasn't good news. The team gathers around to hear the news. 

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