Part 37

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Adam POV:

I wake up in the love of my life's bed and with her beside me. My phone goes off. Shoot, I have 10 miss calls from Hailey, Jay and Voight each. I call them back. They explain to me what happened. I woke up Kim, explained everything to her and asked her to watch Noah. I go to the off the books clinic Voight is taking her. I catch them before they go inside.

Sara: Adam, I'm so sorry. I've been a horrible wife to you.

Adam: Just focus on getting better and then we will figure everything else out.

Sara: Adam, what are we kidding ourselves? We both know this is over.

Adam: Yeah, it's been over for a while.

Sara: Yeah. Where's Noah?

Adam: With Hailey. I dropped him off with Hailey before I came here.

Sara: Okay. I guess I'll get papers drawn up when I get out.

Adam: It's fine. I'll draw them up. Just focus on getting better.

Sara: Goodbye Adam.

Voight takes her in the rapid detox center. He comes out and we talk.

Voight: So, where is Noah?

Adam: With Hailey.

Voight: Adam, where is he really?

Adam: With Kim. I went to Kim's last night.

Voight: So, you guys are back on?

Adam: I don't know.

Voight and I finish talking. I go back to Kim's to get Noah. I got coffee for everyone and went to the house where Hailey and Jay are to take care of the kids. Hailey is with the kids in their bedroom when I walk in and Jay and I talk in the kitchen.

Adam: Hey, thanks for staying with them. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Jay: It's fine. Hailey likes being with her nieces and nephews.

Adam: She's a really good aunt. She's going to be a great mom one day.

Jay was smiling hard, too hard. I connected the dots.

Adam: She's pregnant isn't she.

Jay: Yeah, but we are keeping it on the down low.

Adam: Congratulations man.

Jay: Thanks. She still wants to work though.

Adam: Look, I let Sara work through it all and she almost died. Don't let her walk on the tightrope.

Jay: Yeah, definitely not.

Adam: Look, when Sara almost died, the doctors said that if she had any more children, they would be extremely high risk pregnancy and births because of the preeclampsia with Noah. They said this possibly runs in the family.

Jay: So, the same thing that happened to Sara could happen to Hailey.

Adam: Yeah, but Sara was also older and on her fourth child. Sara has also had some miscarriages with the kid's father. Hailey might not be so bad.

Jay: Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

Adam: You're welcome. 

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