Part 44

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Kevin POV:

That Monday morning, it was obvious that Kim and Adam rode in to work together on his first day back. Before we got started on the case, Voight announced that Hailey went to the ivory tower reasons unknown.

Today was just a typical day.

That night, Vanessa and I went to Molly's. We see and talk to Herman.

Herman: Hey, how y'all doing?

Kevin: Good how you?

Herman: Doing good. Hey, this isn't any of my business but what happened to Sara Upton. My kids said that her kids are moving back to wherever they came from.

Kevin: Yeah, her and Adam are getting a divorce.

Herman: Dang. How's Adam?

Vanessa: Seems to be moving on just fine. He drove into work with Kim this morning.

Herman: Oh. Well, for the sakes of Cindy, I'm glad she's gone. Cindy hates to be one up-ed.

Kevin: Well, at the end, it was all Adam. Sara was working all the time and she didn't have time for anything.

Herman: Really?

Vanessa: Yeah, there's times when we would catch her asleep on the couch in the break room.

Kevin: Remember when she was asleep on the morgue table.

Herman: The what?

Kevin: Yeah, the tables where you put the bodies to do an autopsy. We went to the lab first thing in the morning and found her on top of the table.

Herman: Ewe. That's gross.

Vanessa: Yeah, it was really awkward when we woke her up. Her stuff was ready though.

That night, we drank and had good conversations. 

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