Part 39

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Vanessa POV:

The next day at work, Voight made an announcement that Dr. Sara was no longer going to be with us. I wonder what happened. She was doing really well here. Everyone loved her. A few days past, as Kevin and I were going home, we saw Dr. Sara at the district filing the last of her papers. She looked extremely upset. I called her name and she turned around and all I could see was tears running down her face.

Vanessa: Hey, Sara, what's wrong?

Sara: What's not wrong? Adam is divorcing me and trying to take Noah from me.

Vanessa: Oh my gosh.

Kevin: Why is he trying to do that?

Sara: Because of my one bad night. The one night I fell off the deep end.

Vanessa: I'm sorry. Sara, you're not staying at the house with Adam are you?

Sara: No, I'm letting Adam keep the house. The kids and I are staying with my dad until the end of the week so we can move back home.

Kevin: Wait, isn't he also Hailey's dad.

Sara: Yeah, she's only my half sister.

Vanessa: Sara, you do know what he did to Hailey and her brothers?

Sara: Yeah, I knew the whole time. He's different from me for some reason. He also likes having his grandchildren there.

Kevin: Look, Hailey didn't tell us much about him but he did a number on her. I just don't want to see that for you and your kids too.

Sara: Yeah. I'm definitely cautious around him and all. He's mostly working on a custody agreement with Adam's attorney.

Vanessa: He's a lawyer?

Sara: Yeah, he tried to push me to be one, but he stopped when I got into med school.

Kevin: Oh.

Sara: Well, I got to go. It's about bedtime for the kids. It was really great work with y'all. I'm going to miss y'all. 

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