Part 57

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Hailey POV: A week after the surgery

I've been bound to this bed for what seems like a century. After work, Jay comes into the bedroom.

Hailey: Hey, how was work?

Jay: Good. We seized about a million dollars worth of crank in a church.

Hailey: That's good. Oh, the cribs, the baby changing station and the diaper genie delivered today.

Jay: Great. I'll put them together tonight.

Hailey: Thanks. Jay, I'm going crazy in this bed. I need to be out there with you guys catching the bad guys. Not taking an hour just to go to the bathroom.

Jay: An hour?

Hailey: Yes. I can barely get out of bed. I can't even see my feet when I lay down. When I squat, I can't even tell if I'm over the toilet enough.

Jay starts laughing.

Hailey: It's not funny. I've peed myself twice today because I'm so big that I can't see. I can't back up all the way because I can't squat that way without almost busting my butt.

I start laughing. It is pretty funny.

Hailey: Shoot, I gotta go again. I haven't even drank anything today. I can't hold anything.

I start moving out of the bed. I then get this horrible stabbing shooting pain down under. I wince in pain.

Jay: Hailey, you alright?

I shake my head no.

Jay: Do we need to go to the hospital?

Hailey: No. I think I'll be okay in a minute.

The pain continues. Jay can see I'm in a lot of pain. The bed becomes wet. I think I peed myself. The pain stabs a lot harder.

Hailey: Oh, my gosh.

Jay: Hailey, I'm calling an ambulance.

Hailey: Jay, I'll be fine.

Jay: No you're not. Screw the ambulance.

Jay pulls back the blanket and sees blood on the bed. Geez, I thought I just peed myself.

Jay: Yeah, 'I'm fine' my butt.

Jay carries me to the car and takes me to Chicago med. Jay picks me up and carries me through the ED.

Jay: I need help

Maggie: Treatment 2.

After that, everything is a blur. I go in and out of consciousness. 

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