Part 31

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Adam POV:

I came home shortly after that.

Adam: Hey, I'm home.

Kim: Hey.

Adam: How was he?

Kim: He was good. No troubles at all.

Adam: That's good.

Kim: How was court?

Adam: Not bad. The defense attorney keep trying to make me look stupid, but I know I did everything by the book.

Kim: Love that. So, not that's any of my business, but are you and Sara okay? I've noticed you guys having some rough conversation recently.

Adam: I don't know. She's happy one moment and then all the sudden all hell breaks loose. I've slept on the couch more and more recently.

Kim: I'm sorry.

Adam: I'm thinking about asking for a divorce.

Kim: Wow, it's that bad.

Adam: Yeah. I'm not sure how long I can handle it.

Kim: What about Noah?

Adam: He's coming with me. She's barely raised her own kids since I've stepped in. She's going to have to fight for custody with me for Noah. Noah and the team is the only thing I have going for me.

Kim: Adam, I'm so sorry you're going through this.

Adam: thanks. I just hate it for Noah. He's going to grow up with divorced parents.

Kim: He will survive. He's young. It would be harder if he was older.

Adam: Yeah. Depending on her behavior, I might just crash with someone before I can get papers drawn up.

Kim: You can crash with me.

Adam: I don't want to impose.

Kim: It's all good. You're always welcomed. 

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