Part 60

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Hailey POV:

The light in the room blinds when I open my eyes. My throat is sore. I'm still a little out of it. The nurse in my room notices I'm awake.

Nurse: Mrs. Upton, nice to see you awake. I'll go get your husband.

He's not my husband, but I know what she's talking about. I finally realize that there aren't any babies moving around in my stomach. I give birth. The events that happened before I was put under slowly come back as the nurse gets Jay. Suddenly, I hear a noise. It's Jay. 

Hailey: Jay

Jay: Hey, how are you feeling?

Hailey: Not that great, but I'll be okay. Where's the babies?

Jay: Our baby girl is the NICU. She's beautiful Hailey.

Hailey: What about the other baby? Where is he?

Jay: Hailey, the doctors did everything they could. He didn't have a chance. He was stillborn.

Hailey started bursting out in tears.

Jay: Hailey, I'm so sorry.

Jay and I have about an hour cry session. Jay and I have been through so much with this pregnancy. After a while when I calmed, the nurse came and brought our baby girl so I could see her. I couldn't hold her though. No one can. Adam and Will came in and saw our baby girl.

Adam: She's beautiful.

Hailey: She has a long road ahead of her, but she's a Halstead. She will survive.

Jay: So, we are going with my last name?

Hailey: Yeah, she's got an amazing dad and I don't want to hyphenated.

Will: So, what name did you guys pick out?

Jay: Harper

Hailey: Harper Anne Halstead

Adam: That's beautiful

Hailey: Thanks

Jay: For our boy, we were going to go with Harrison Will Halstead

Hailey: Where is he?

Jay: Hailey, we don't have to deal with this now.

Hailey: I want to know where my son is

Will: He's downstairs in our morgue. The doctor downstairs will come talk to you about what's next.

Hailey: What is next?

Will: Signing the death certificate and deciding what to do with his body.

Jay: Hailey, none of this needs to happen now. Let's just enjoy our baby girl right now.

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