Part 47

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Kim POV:

I wake up with Adam next to me and Noah in the crib next to the bed. We wake up and get our day rolling. As I give Noah his bottle, Adam comes back from getting the mail.

Kim: Adam, where's Noah's pacifier?

He ignores me. He opens the mail.

Kim: Adam, pacifier.

I finally get his attention.

Adam: What?

Kim: pacifier. Where is it?

Adam: He's sitting on it.

I left Noah to get his pacifier. Adam looks at the mail real hard.

Kim: What came?

Adam: Divorce papers.

Kim: Oh.

Adam: She's actually giving me everything. She only wants two weeks in the summer and time during holidays.

Kim: That's good.

Adam: Yeah. She was fighting really hard on having full custody.

Kim: So, how is this two weeks in the summer going to go? Didn't she move back to wherever she came from.

Adam: Yeah, I don't know. I guess she's going to have to come to Chicago for two weeks.

Kim: Adam, we need to talk about something.

Adam: Yeah.

Kim: Do I need to sell my place?

Adam: What?

Kim: Well, I'm here every night. I have space in your closet and a couple drawers in your room.

Adam: If you want to. There's no point of you paying for an apartment that you're never at.

Kim: Okay. So, what does this mean for us?

Adam: What do you mean?

Kim: Are we dating? Are we just roommates who casually sleep with each other and raise a kid together?

Adam: I guess dating.

Kim: Okay. I'll get my stuff out of my apartment this weekend.

Adam: Great.

Kim: Oh, Noah is going to be 6 months old next week.

Adam: Is he really? Damn, time flies.

Kim: Which means that we need to introduce him to solids.

Adam: What? He can't even sit up.

Kim: Well, we have to work on that.

Adam: Geez, he's growing up so fast. 

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