Part 45

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Hailey POV:

I walk into the office of the ivory tower. Not really sure exactly who I'm supposed to meet with. The only details I got was to be here at 8. People walk past me. I look around to see if the guy who called Voight was here. I don't see his office anywhere. After a little bit, I heard a man's voice behind me.

Man: Hailey, long time no see.

I turn around. Holy crap. Didn't think I would see him again.

Hailey: Sargent Hallman

Hallman: Lieutenant, actually. But Cole is fine.

Hailey: Cole

Oh geez. So, Lieutenant Cole Hallman is the Sergeant that promoted me to detective. Yeah, the Sergeant that I used to date. That went downhill fast.

Hallman: I heard you go into intelligence.

Hailey: Yeah, I worked a robbery-homicide case with them and Voight offered me a position afterwards.

Hallman: That's great. I'm so happy for you.

Hailey: What about you?

Hallman: I run the internal affairs office.

Hailey: Oh, so, do you know who I'm supposed to meet? Don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing here.

Hallman: You're supposed to meet me.

Hailey: You called me up here?

Hallman: Yeah. I have a couple cases that I want you to look at. I'm conflicted and I know you're the right person to solve them.

Hailey: I've never done internal affairs investigations.

Hallman: I know. I just need your input on some of these cases. I'm going to work with you. Maybe if you like it enough, maybe you can work with me permanently.

Hailey: I don't know. You know how much I love the action.

Hallman: I know. Why do you think I pushed for that promotion?

Hailey: Cole.

Hallman: Yes, I know you earned it. But you knew they weren't going to give it to you if I didn't push it.

Hailey: Kevin, what is this really about?

Hallman: Cases. I promise. Nothing else but cases.

Hailey: Okay. What's this first case?

That day, he got me up to speed on some cases. We got to catch up. It was a good day. It was fun like back in the day except there wasn't this pressure of a relationship. It was just two good friends working. 

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