Part 17

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Sara's POV:

As we drive to work together, Adam and I start planning our wedding.

Adam: So, when do you want to have it?

Sara: I was thinking tonight.

I can see the shock in Adam's face.

Adam: Tonight?

Sara: Well, I was thinking something small.

Adam: Why?

Sara: Well, I've really never been a big wedding person. I honestly want to just elope.

Adam: Elope?

Sara: Yeah, what do you want to do?

Adam: I would like to have something.

Sara: Like?

Adam: At least a couple people. The team, some friends and family. Maybe I can even meet your folks finally.

Sara: I actually don't have any family. My mom died senior year of college. She was drinking and driving. I never had siblings. Definitely not, inviting my father. He will beat the living daylights out of anyone.

Adam: I'm sorry to hear about your mom. So, you knew Hailey was being beat?

Sara: Yeah, it was obvious. But, my mother always told me to keep my mouth shut so she could still get checks from him.

Adam: Wow.

Sara: Yeah, my mom didn't have the best moral compass either.

Adam: So, can we do a little something?

Sara: Yeah. It might be fun now that I think about it.

Adam: Okay. Yay! We're getting married tonight.

Sara: Yeah, tonight.

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