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{.44. Eleonora's letter}

Orion Jake Phillips had noticed ever since Carina saw Fred Weasley at Hogsmeade she'd been extremely happy

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Orion Jake Phillips had noticed ever since Carina saw Fred Weasley at Hogsmeade she'd been extremely happy. The happiest she had probably been in a while. She had even pulled off a few pranks with Orion in memory of the twins and Lee Jordan. She'd spoken every day about how excited she'd been to see him again which is why he thought it was bizarre when she walked into the great hall looking as if she was extremely fed up.

She sat down next to Orion and slumped down on the chair. She rested her chin on her hand and sent a small smile his way. She grabbed a cup of tea and sat stirring it not even bothering to say hello.

"Little one?" He asked stroking her hair "want to talk about it?" He asked sceptically

She reached into her pocket and pressed a crumpled letter out on the table. She smoothed out some of the crinkles and let out a loud huff.


I'm afraid to tell you that the betrothal between yourself and Nott will go ahead at the end of the year. I'm extremely sorry as this means you and Fred Weasley will have to break up.

Your mum xx

"WHAT!" Orion shouted loudly and carina smacked his arm

"Will you be quiet. I don't think Blaisey knows yet and I'm going to have to tell Fred on the ninth and I've really been looking forward to it," she frowned starting to feel herself go to cry

She had been devastated all morning. She'd even skipped meeting with Draco to walk to breakfast as she just couldn't bring herself to face him not that he had anything to do with this but she just didn't want to deal with the pureblood crap. She'd had enough.

"Orion I can't marry Nott. You understand this — I really like Fred I don't want to break up with him," Orion wiped a few tears from her face and hugged her tightly

"You won't have to marry him little one, I swear it," he said starting to rock her back and forth "I'll owl my dad. You and Blaise will not go back home for Christmas. Owl your Zio,"

Carina hugged Orion tightly and sniffed into his shoulder. She couldn't imagine not having a friend as supportive as him. Blaise had spotted all this and ran his hand over his face. He was fully aware about the letter that Eleonora had sent his sister Nott had been boasting about it all morning.

Blaise had already written to Leonardo and Marcello and Leonardo was more determined than ever to ensure that he had custodial rights over the twins. He didn't want Carina to have that life and after extensive discussion with Marcello they both were more than happy to ensure that neither Blaise nor Carina were forced into anything that they didn't want to.

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