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{.36. Weasley Wizards Wheezes}

Warning: Mentions of smoking

Warning: Mentions of smoking

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The next morning was tense. Carina, Blaise and Nott were awaiting their OWL results as they sat for breakfast with Eleonora.

Carina was nervous she hadn't stopped tapping her finger on the table all morning.

"Tesora, could you stop tapping your finger please?" Her mum asked and carina stopped taking to biting her nails instead

Blaise noticed first and smacked Nott's arm pointing towards the window. Eleonora stood up and took the letters from the Owl holding the letters to each of the children.

Carina sucked in a deep breath before opening the letter.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass grades
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail grades
Pass (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Carina Bella Zabini has achieved

Ancient Runes - E
Arithmancy - O
Astronomy - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - A
History of Magic - E
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E

Carina frowned at the acceptable in herbology.  She thought she'd done rubbish and was glad she at least got a pass grade. She showed her mum the results and Eleonora smiled.

"Well done my darlings. You've all done brilliantly. How about we go for a dinner in Diagon Alley? We can meet Narcissa and Draco?" Eleonora suggested

"That sounds brilliant mum! I'll send an owl to Draco now," Blaise said

"Can I owl Orion?" Carina asked, Eleonora nodded and held her hand out

"I'm really proud of you Tesora and I know you might not have achieved the grade you wanted in Herbology but you've still done wonderful," Eleonora said earnestly. She kissed Carina's forehead "go tell that boyfriend of yours how you've done," she winked and Carina blushed running up the stairs

She quickly wrote a letter to Fred and Orion.


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