Chapter 4

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"The boys will look at your car the first chance they get." Gemma told her, "Go have a seat outside. Get some fresh air."

Noelle went to find the blond. She was about to give him a piece of her mind for what she was sure he'd done.

"YOU! You fucking sabotaged my car, didn't you?" She exclaimed.

"What? No." Jax replied.

"That's why you were so willing to let me leave yesterday. You planned to sabotage my car so I'd have to come back here." She poked him in the chest as she spoke.

"No we didn't, I swear. We're going to look at your car and see what's going on. It shouldn't have just died on you like what you're describing. All we did was change the pump yesterday." Jax explained.

"Uh huh. We'll see about that." She hissed before walking over to the picnic table and having a seat.

"What brought you back t' the lot?" Chibs asked.

"Sabotage." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We didn't sabotage your car, Noelle. I promise." Chibs told her.

"Sorry if I don't believe you." She retorted.

"Why are you so hesitant t' trust people?" Chibs cautiously asked making her sigh.

"Because people can't be trusted, that's why." She replied.

"Lass, we're not going t' 'urt ya. We'll 'elp any way we can. All you gotta do is ask." Chibs reached over and grabbed her hand.

"All I need is to get up the road. That's all." She countered.

"Where are you going?" He asked making her shrug.

"I'll know it when I get there." She stated.

"How will you know it?" He inquired.

"I just will."

"Lass...we're not bad people. Jus' get t' know us. Let us get t' know you." Chibs stated.

"I...I'm sorry. I can't." She looked away from him.

He understood there was some underlying trust issues with her. She was deliberately putting up barriers. It made him wonder what was in her past to make her act that way. She remained quiet as everyone else went back to work. Jax had Chibs look over her car as he was needed to go out with Clay on some club business. She sighed wondering where they were going and why they weren't looking at her car. Then she noticed Chibs was looking over it. Two hours passed by, very slowly, and he walked over.

"Lass, I got some bad news. It seems your engine is shot. T' fix it, you're looking at a few grand at least." Chibs whipped his hands on a grease rag.

"Please tell me you're just being an asshole and lying to me." She looked up at him.

"Sorry, lass." He stated.

"Fuck. I can't afford a new engine." She sighed as she ran her hand through her hair, "I need a vehicle. I need the money I have with me. If I get a new engine, I won't have the funds to live on and get to where I'm going."

Chibs had sat down next to her as she ranted.

"Maybe you stick around town a little while. Get a job somewhere and save up for a new vehicle. Then head out t' wherever your heart wants to go." He offered.

She sighed, "I may not have much choice. Thanks for the help and for being honest with me. What do I owe you for looking at my car?"

"That's up to Gemma. Let's go talk t' 'er." He stood up.

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