Chapter 39

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Noelle's first day at her new job was mostly spent with her manager showing her around, showing her how things were done, and where everything was at. There was a little more paperwork to do but that didn't bother her. He was impressed with her portfolio and quickly told her so. She promised to be a good employee making him smile. Noelle had to give her old boss her two-week notice before she quit but she had wanted to make sure she'd secured herself another job first. She discovered she'd be making around fifteen dollars an hour and would be paid every two weeks. She was fine with that knowing she wouldn't be making top dollar straight out of school.

At the end of the day, she headed home in a very good mood. She went to making dinner as usual forgetting that Happy had told her he might not make it home for dinner. She was in such a good mood, she didn't even care about eating alone by the time dinner was done and he hadn't come home yet. She still had to work at the bar so after she ate, she got dressed and headed to her temporary second job. Upon arriving, she gave her manager her two-week notice. He tried to entice her to stay since she was his best employee but she shook her head and said she couldn't.

She would miss the tips but not much else about working at the bar. It had kept her bills paid and she was thankful for the opportunity to work but not it was time to move on. After her shift at the bar, she headed home. Happy's bike was in the driveway making her smile as she unlocked the door. She slipped her shoes off before walking down the hall to their bedroom. The shower was running and she had to smile thinking of him naked and wet. She quickly changed for bed then slipped under the covers to await her husband. He smiled at her when he exited the bathroom and asked how her night had been.

She snuggled into his side as she told him about her night and that she'd given her boss her two-week notice since now she was working at the portrait studio. Giving her a squeeze, he turned on the TV. She closed her eyes, loving the smell of his body wash. It was so manly and so like him. She slid her hand south earning a grunt from her lover. Her hand ghosted over his rising erection making him moan slightly. "What are you doing, little girl?" he growled. She loved it when he growled at her and he knew it. She could feel the wetness pooling between her thighs. She slid her hand further south, gently gripping his balls and giving a slight tug.

She looked up to see him biting his lower lip. The need for him was almost overpowering. He suddenly grabbed her hand and moved it so he could grab ahold of both her wrists and hold them above her head. He crashed his lips against hers hungrily. She moaned into their kiss as she arched her back wanting more contact from him. He grinned into their kiss knowing exactly what she wanted. What she needed from him. Despite the long day, he was more than willing to give it to her. Pinning her to the bed by her wrists, he ripped her panties off and threw them across the room. "Happy..." she whined as she tried to wiggle down the bed for him to touch her again.

XxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXx XxXxXxXxXx

She was nearly late the next morning because they'd been up so late. Noelle didn't even bother making breakfast to save time. She couldn't be late on her second day of work especially after telling her new manager how punctual she was. Parking in the designated employee parking spaces, she smoothed her shirt and walked into the studio. Dan told her she'd be doing photos today with supervision. She frowned not liking being supervised but said nothing. At least she was working in her chosen career.

Dan liked the work Noelle did. She had a certain eye for bringing out the best in their clients. She was friendly and always got people to smiling. Somehow she made people feel at ease when she was around. At lunch, she was invited to go out with her co-workers to eat which she gladly took the offer. They headed to the local diner to eat and she thought nothing of it. Juice and prospect were there waiting on their large order when she came in with a small group of people. Juice kept an eye on her knowing she was Happy's 'ol lady. Neither biker knew who these people were that she was eating with and figured Happy should know about it.

After the hour-long lunch break, they headedback to the studio. More clients were coming in. Juice and the prospect finallyhad their order and made their way back to T-M. As he was giving Happy his food,Juice explained what they'd seen at the diner. Happy growled not liking hiswife being with people he didn't know and trust. He'd have to have a conversationwith her when they got home from work. The rest of the day, the Killah was in afoul mood. No one dared go near him as he worked. At the end of the work day,he rushed home to await his 'ol lady. She had been excited about the day andwas in a good mood on her way home. Her manager told her she'd be doingphotographs unsupervised since he now knew she could handle things on her own.

He was already home when she pulled into the drive. Sometimes he arrived home before her and sometimes he came home a little later. It depended on what all was happening with the club and the auto shop. She waltzed through the door and dropped her keys in the bowl by the door before making her way down the hall to the bedroom. Happy was on the couch watching TV when she returned home. Not greeting him, he furrowed his brows and followed her into the bedroom.

"What were you doing at the diner today?" He asked from the doorway.

"Having lunch?" She answered.

"Don't be smart with me, little girl." He grunted.

"I'm not. You asked what I was doing at the diner. I was having lunch." She retorted with an eyeroll.

"Who were those people?" Happy inquired.

"My co-workers."

He remained where he was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Happy...are you jealous?" She turned and looked at him.

"No. I just don't like you hanging around people I don't know and trust." He retorted.

"They're my co-workers who invited me to have lunch with them. They're trying to get to know me since we'll be working together for quite a while." Noelle stated.

"I still don't like it."

"Well that's just tough shit, dear." Noelle countered.

"Don't give me that..." He started.

"You're not going to tell me who I can and cannot associate with!" She exclaimed, voice rising slightly.

"I don't know them therefore I don't know if I can trust them." He tried to reason.

"Not everyone in the world is an enemy of the club!" She hissed.

"Doesn't mean they can be trusted, Noelle!" Happy's voice dropped as he got angry.

"Do you not trust me to make good decisions about who I hang out with?" She spat.

"I do trust you, it's them I don't trust!" He growled.

"I will not be controlled like this. You can go sleep at the clubhouse." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"FINE!" Happy growled at her before storming his way to the front door.

She heard it slam shut making her sit down on the edge of the bed and sigh. She really hated fighting with the stubborn ass. Instead of making dinner, she opted to just get dressed for her job at the bar and stop by the diner on the way in. Being in the house alone without Happy made her want to cry. When Happy returned to the clubhouse, everyone could see how pissed off he was. He grabbed a bottle of his favorite Whiskey and headed straight for his dorm room. Not a word to anyone. It was highly unlike him to stay away from Noelle. Chibs sighed figuring they'd had a fight. Most likely about her having lunch with other people.

'The lad's heart is in the right place but 'e can be a little gruff sometimes.' Chibs thought as he nursed his beer. He hoped they'd make up soon because he hated the idea of her being upset. Especially with his brother. He hated the idea of his brother being upset and angry because he had a fight with his 'ol lady. 'Did 'e storm off t' the clubhouse or did she throw 'im out?' Chibs pondered as he continued to sip his beer. Bobby and Clay had already gone home but Jax was still at the clubhouse. He told the blond to head home to his 'ol lady and their boys.

A/N: Think Happy and Noelle will make up?

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