Chapter 37

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After two years of schooling, it was finally graduation day. Noelle was very nervous as she prepared for her graduation ceremony. She didn't know Gemma had a party at the clubhouse planned. The graduation at the school started at six pm and she was supposed to be there by five: thirty. She asked Happy to come and he promised he would. What she didn't know was that he'd asked the rest of the club to show up as well to give their support. Everyone had eagerly agreed. After all, it was for their favorite assassin. He didn't get to see her before she left for the school.

They all had robes on that covered their clothing as they walked across the stage. While she waited for her name to be called, she scanned the crowd. Happy was hard to miss. At 6'1, always in his kutte, and covered in tattoos, he was not someone that you missed in the crowd. She wasn't expecting the line of bikers that sat around him. It brought tears to her eyes that they'd all showed up to see her graduate from a technical school. She stood in line and waited for her name to be called. "Noelle Lowman!" was called and she heard loud hollers and whistles as she crossed the stage to receive her diploma.

She shook the Dean's hand as he handed her diploma over. Having it, she walked off the stage to where they were to stand until the ceremony was over. As she stood there, she couldn't believe she'd done it. She'd gone to college and had graduated. She had a degree that she could take and hopefully stop working at the bar and work in a decent photography studio. It had been a crazy two years for her. Stressful. In the end, all her hard work and sweat had paid off. Gemma had taken multiple photos of Noelle as she walked across the stage to get her diploma knowing the young woman would want at least one photo of her getting her diploma.

Clay wasn't thrilled at being dragged to her graduation but wasn't going to say anything especially to his wife. Gemma had taken quite the liking to Noelle and took her under her wing. Once the ceremony was over, Noelle walked out to the auditorium to find her husband and the rest of his club members. Happy's eyes widened when he saw Noelle stroll up. She looked almost like she was glowing and loved the smile that played across her lips. He quickly pulled her into his arms. "You look amazing, mi reina." Happy smiled down at her.

Her face flushed as the compliment making Happy smile

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Her face flushed as the compliment making Happy smile. He told her to head to the clubhouse making her tilt her head as she stared at him. He kissed her forehead but said nothing else. People were filtering out of the building so she followed her husband until they exited the building. Happy walked her to her car where he told her he'd see her at the clubhouse. She smiled at him still wondering what was going on. Despite her curiosity, she made her way to the clubhouse and parked. Most of the bikers had arrived before she did. Happy was waiting for her by the picnic tables.

He walked her inside where everyone shouted "Congratulations!" at her making her jump and laugh. There was a big banner that read "Congratulations" hanging up and the clubhouse had been decorated for a party. Gemma walked up to give her a hug and welcomed her to her graduation party. Noelle smiled back as she hugged the SAMCRO Queen and thanked her for throwing her a party. Food had been prepared and Gemma had a cake waiting as well.

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