Chapter 59

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Noelle took the family on a tour of the town as they requested. She pointed out various hot spots like the local diner that everyone loved so much, the town square that was beautifully decorated during the holidays, and the municipal building. She gave them little tidbits about things she knew until the baby started crying. Trisha suggested they head back to her house so she could tend to the baby. Janie tried to entertain Jagger but he just kept crying as they made their way to the Lowman residence.

Noelle took the car seat out of its base and walked to the front door and unlocked it, letting her guests walk in first. She set the car seat by the door then got the baby out of it. She told the small family to get settled and where the TV remote was before taking Jagger to the nursery. She checked his diaper, starting on potty training early but no success yet, and changed it before rocking him to get him settled for his afternoon nap. Trisha and Josh walked around the living room checking out all the photos that adorned the place. Some where of Happy with his mother growing up. Some where of Noelle and Janie as teenagers.

Some were of Noelle at what they presumed to be the biker clubhouse celebrating her eighteenth birthday. Some were some professional photos of the happy Lowman couple and some professional photos of the entire family. Some were just of Jagger and one was of Happy holding Jagger right after they got home from the hospital. It made Janie's heart swell to see her bestie had made a life for herself out in California. She was happy that her friend was truly happy and was settling down with a family of her own. A little while later, Noelle came out from the bedrooms without the baby.

"Anyone want anything to drink?" Noelle asked.

"What do you have?" Janie asked.

"Sweet tea, milk, OJ, and beer." Noelle chuckled.

"Sweet tea, please." Janie and Trisha stated at the same time.

Noelle headed into the kitchen to get them all something to drink. She loved her life and hoped Janie and her parents could see that she had a good life here in Charming. The foursome sat around the living room reminiscing about Noelle's few years with their family, talking about the unconventional family she's found within the biker community, and her growing family. An hour later, she could hear Jagger making noises in the nursery. Noelle excused herself to go fetch her son. She returned with a giggling toddler and set him in the playpen to play with his toys while she entertained their guests.

Before she knew it, the sound of Happy's bike could be heard coming up the driveway. Josh watched as a wide smile crossed her face as she looked over at the door waiting for him to arrive. The group watched as he entered the house making the toddler squeal for his daddy. Happy slid his kutte off and hung it up by the door before walking over and picking up Jagger out of the playpen. Jagger hugged his daddy making Trisha and Janie smile at the scene. "How's daddy's little ass kicker this afternoon?" Happy asked, "You been a good boy?" Noelle told him he'd taken his afternoon nap and had been playing in his playpen since he woke up.

"Smells good in here." Happy said as he set Jagger on the floor.

"Dinner should be done soon." Noelle replied as he leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"I'm gonna go clean up. Been a messy day at the shop." Happy chuckled.

"What did he mean?" Josh asked.

"He's covered in dirt and grease from the day at the auto mechanic shop. There's hardly a day he doesn't come home filthy." Noelle chuckled as she looked over at Jagger who was trying to roll his ball to Janie.

"Ah. I can't imagine how hard laundry must be." Trisha laughed.

"Gemma gave me a secret to getting grease out of his clothes. Works wonders." Noelle replied, "She's been a huge help to me. Especially with the new mommy stuff. She even threw me a baby shower."

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