Chapter 15

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She filled out all the papers she'd been given and handed them back to the receptionist. After a while she was called back. The new semester would be starting in a few months. The Dean of the college looked over her entrance paperwork and did his interview. She hoped she'd be accepted as she sat there watching him look over her papers again. The Dean looked up and smiled. He explained about their schedules and classes. She nodded as she sat there. He finally welcomed her to the school making her sigh with relief.

She had to go pick up her school schedule before she left. There was two months before classes began and she'd need her own camera before she could start. The receptionist gave her a packet for her program which had all the information she needed including the type of camera she'd need. Noelle took her packet and finally left the college. It was nearly time to make dinner before work. Instead of making dinner, she opted to stop at the diner and grab a quick bite. She would have to go shopping for her camera before school started.

As it got closer to time for him to go pick her up for work, the angrier Happy became. Even his brothers knew to stay away from him. Chibs understood what was going on with the killer. He asked Happy if he wanted to go to the bar with him that night. After a short debate with himself, Happy nodded his head yes. They waited till it was around nine pm before heading out. The Killah wanted to make sure she made it to work with no issues. The bar was moderately packed as they walked through to the back. They wanted to make sure she was fine.

Happy watched as she flittered from table to table in her section. She cleaned off tables, brought drinks, washed down tables and the bar. It eased the killer's mind that she'd made it to work and seemed to be alright. His eyes traveled up and down her body as walked from table to table. He fought the attraction he felt for her. What he'd told her that morning was the truth. He'd always be there whenever she needed him. Even if it was in the middle of the night. Their waitress brought their drinks and tried flirting with Happy but he was having none of it. His focus was solely on Noelle.

Chibs' phone went off so the Scotsman answered seeing it was Jax calling. The medic sighed before hanging up. He told Happy they were needed back at the clubhouse. Happy growled not wanting to leave but club business came first. Chibs threw some money down for their drinks before standing up. The killer sighed before following his brother out of the bar. Noelle looked up just in time to see Happy and Chibs leaving the bar. 'I wonder what they were doing here?' she thought before turning her attention back to her customers.

The night dragged on for Noelle as she tended to customers and cleaned off tables. She usually made some pretty good tips which made up for being groped. Although it did bother her, she knew she had to put up with it for two reasons. She got better tips when she let them grab and smack her ass. Secondly, there would be a time when she would no longer be working at the bar and wouldn't have to put up with it any longer. She just had to get through all the courses she had to take at the community college then find a job with an already established photographer.

Wiping down a table after the patrons left, she realized she'd have to get a laptop as well so she could practice with the photo editing software she'd be using at school. 'Great! More expenses I have going out.' she sighed to herself. Finally, the bar was closing down. She wiped down the tables while one of the other waitresses put up all the chairs. The other waitress swept and mopped the floors. Once her work was done, she bid her co-workers a good night and left the bar. It was nice getting to drive herself around but she still missed riding on the back of Happy's bike with him.

Happy's night was not as easy as Noelle's. Club business meant they had to break into a competitor's place and trash it in retaliation for what had been done to Diosa. Jax was leading the charge with Happy, Chibs, Ratboy, Opie, and Juice. Half-way through, some of the rival gang members showed up. The Sons were jumped and quickly got into a fist fight. Insults were thrown. Threats were made. Fists flew. Happy was particularly brutal having been called away from watching Noelle work.

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