Chapter 34

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Noelle was pacing in the clubhouse as the prospect tried to help with whatever was needed. He offered Noelle a drink but she shook her head no. All she could think about was Happy getting shot and how it could have been her that his friends were having to work on. She thought about what kind of pain he was in, how he could have died on her, and prayed that he was going to be alright. Chibs emerged from the back room and gave her a warm smile. "'e'll be alright, love. Don' worry." he told her as he went to wash his hands.

Her worried expression didn't dissipate when Chibs told the prospect to help him get Happy to his dorm room. She rushed down to their room so she could turn down the covers for him. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw how much Happy was depending on the other two to keep him upright as he tried to walk on his own. They set him on the edge of the bed before leaving the pair alone. She asked him if he needed help getting changed for bed. He grunted as he shook his head. Dropping to her knees in front of him, she began taking his boots off and setting them next to the bed.

Jax and Tig arrived back at the clubhouse shortly after Ratboy and Juice. The IO immediately got to checking out the Black Riders to see what he could find out about them. Jax told Chibs everything they'd found out which wasn't much. The guy who'd shot at them was just a member of the club who was trying to prove his worth to the club by taking on this job. It wasn't clear if it had been an assassination attempt or just a scare tactic. Chibs frowned hearing what they'd uncovered. Tara was washing her equipment off before she and Jax left to head home. They'd have to talk to Clay in the morning about this new threat.

"I was so worried about you." She whispered.

"I know, little girl." He replied as he looked over at her, "But this is the life."

"I don't know if I'm strong enough to handle this." She stated.

"Noelle, you've survived much worse than this. You're stronger than you know." Happy told her making her look up at him.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." She whispered making him smile at her.

"It's been a long day. Let's get some rest." He told her.

She quickly changed into her pajama shirt then carefully crawled into bed next to Happy. He shut the light off as she tried to get comfortable. She moved to rest her head on his stomach knowing his shoulder was injured. He gently placed his arm around her knowing she needed the comforting as much as he did. He wanted to get ahold of the guy who'd shot at them but knew Jax had already talked to him. Happy sighed as he tried to figure out what was going on. Why had they been shot at? Who was behind it? What was their goal? How could he take his revenge for them scaring his 'ol lady?

Sleep didn't come easily to Happy that night. Partly due to his thoughts and party due to the pain he was in. He finally drifted off to a fitful sleep. He woke up the next morning and found Noelle tracing designs on his stomach. He looked down at her and gave a careful squeeze making her look up at him. She greeted him quietly. A knock at the door made him sigh and yell for whoever it was to go fuck off. "Clay's calling church, Hap." Chibs shouted back making Happy sigh again. She slid off the bed to help him get dressed knowing he needed to be there. Happy got dressed, with Noelle's help, then walked to the door. He motioned for her to come to him.

He held her head with his good arm as he pressed his lips to hers. Staring into her eyes, he promised that things were going to be fine. She nodded before he left her to head to church. Clay wanted to hear from Happy exactly what had happened the previous night. Everyone sat quietly as he explained everything he knew about the attack. Clay puffed on a cigar as the Killah spoke. He then turned to Jax who told the group what he and Tig had learned from the guy that had done the deed.

Juice piped up and explained what he'd found out about the Black Riders. While Happy was otherwise busy, Noelle took herself a hot shower and had a good cry. Although Happy thought she was strong enough for his life, she wasn't as confident as he was. When the water ran cold, she finally climbed out of the shower. She dried off then quickly got dressed. She toweled her hair with a deep sigh. Her stomach began grumbling so she threw the towel into the bathroom and cautiously left his dorm room.

The prospect greeted her making her give him a small smile in return. She had a seat at the bar and noticed a bag sitting there. The prospect saw her eyeing it and told her there were muffins in it that Bobby brought. Everyone was free to them he told her so she grabbed one and was slowly munching on it. Gemma entered the clubhouse and zeroed in on Noelle. She walked over to talk to the young woman.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" Gemma questioned.

"Worried. Very, very worried." Noelle sighed.

"They'll get to the bottom of this attack, don't worry. We take care of our own." Gemma told her.

"But he's been shot!" Noelle exclaimed.

"I know, sweetheart, but he'll heal up. He's a tough man. And he's got you to look after him." Gemma smiled.

Noelle sighed again, "I don't know if I'm cut out for this."

"Nonsense. You're much stronger than you give yourself credit for." Gemma exclaimed, "If you can win over Happy, you're a tough woman."

The statement brought a small smile to Noelle's face.

"Someone shot at us as we were coming home. That's our sacred space." Noelle exclaimed, "I...I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable there again or not."

"Happy will never let anything happen to you. He cares about you too much." Gemma gave her shoulder a squeeze as the chapel doors opened up.

Clay, Jax, Bobby, Opie, and Tig were heading out to have a little discussion with the Black Riders. Piney, Juice, Ratboy, Chibs and Happy were staying behind. Jax kissed his mother's cheek as he walked by. Clay kissed his wife before heading out to his bike. Happy stood by the bar where Noelle and Gemma were at talking. Chibs found a seat with Juice and watched Happy with Noelle. Gemma bid the younger woman goodbye before walking back to her office. She yelled over her shoulder for everyone else to get back to work. Happy rested his hand in Noelle's lower back as he quietly told her that his brothers were going to get to the bottom of things and make them pay for what they'd done.

Happy left Noelle alone to have a seat with Chibs and Juice. "The lass looks worried." Chibs commented earning a grunt from Happy. He admitted she was and that she didn't think she was strong enough for the life he led. Chibs just nodded but remained silent. He watched Happy's 'ol lady carefully as she sat at the bar talking with the prospect. She was always so nice to everyone. For once, Happy wasn't glaring at someone for making Noelle laugh. He was deep in thought about something. Chibs figured it had something to do with the shooting. Juice finally got up to do more digging. He couldn't bare to her how worried Noelle was.

When the prospect had to go do something else, she turnedaround and caught Happy's eye. He nodded towards himself so she got up andmoved to his table. Piney was sitting at a table by himself thinking over the shooting.Chibs engaged Noelle in a discussion of some of the things she was learningabout photography. He made her promise to take some photos and show him nexttime she came to the clubhouse. As they sat there chatting, she relaxed some. WhenClay and the rest finally returned, the biker leader called for church again.Noelle sighed hated not knowing what was going on.

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