Chapter 48

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He slipped into bed with her following right after him. She watched Happy as he scooted down and settled down where his face was near her stomach. She ran her hand over his head as he rested his head on her stomach for a few moments. He groaned as he moved around but he laid there on his elbows with his face an inch or so away from her stomach.

"Hey my little ass kicker. Daddy got stabbed today. Mommy's taking good care of me, though. Like she'll take good care of you." Happy told her stomach bringing a smile to her face.

'He is the cutest man on Earth!' Noelle thought as she listened to Happy telling her stomach part of what had happened that got him stabbed in the chest. She just softly ran her hand over his head as he talked, smiling at her husband. He finally spoke all he was going to and scooted himself back up where he could lay on his back. She could tell he was in pain but refused to ask for any sort of drug to help ease the pain. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. "You know I'm just trying to protect you both." he quietly stated breaking the silence. She kissed his chest and gave his middle a squeeze. All that mattered was his safety and well-being.

The next morning, Clay announced the lockdown was officially over making quite a few people sigh in relief including Noelle. She packed up their bag and tossed it into the passenger seat before she left for work. Happy had Juice put the part back into her car the day before after he got her back to the clubhouse. He watched her leave the lot and sighed. It was going to be hell protecting this woman and their child. Clay had Jax, Tig, Happy, and Ratboy head out for some club business to make sure everyone was safe while the rest got back to work at the auto shop.

Dan welcomed Noelle back cordially who kept apologizing for her husband and the issues with the club. Dan just laughed and said it was no problem and if she were ever to go on lockdown again, to just call and let him know and he'd give her the time off she needed. She thanked him with a sigh and headed to her workstation to await her first customers of the day. The day was going well as she did what she had gone to college for. Betty came back as she was wrapping up her last client before lunch and said she had a visitor. Noelle rolled her eyes as she finished up then walked to the front of the building.

Happy stood there looking around as he leaned against the receptionist desk. He smiled at his wife as she approached. "I thought you should take a break and get some lunch." he told her as her stomach began grumbling. She laughed and said food sounded great. He held his hand out for her to take which he had never done before but she took it anyways. He led her out to his bike so he could take them to the local diner. They were seated quickly, none of the waitresses wanting to piss off Happy knowing his reputation, and given menus.

"Do you remember what we talked about while Chibs was working on you?" She asked as soon as the waitress left to get their drinks.

"Not really. I was trying to drown myself in whiskey to mask the pain." He shrugged then winced.

"I want to decorate the nursery in a gender-neutral theme. Winnie the Pooh. You said it sounded great." She stated.

"If that's what you want, that's what we'll do." He smiled slightly at her.

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.


"Oh good. I was afraid you would want to decorate it in some weird Harley theme." She laughed.

"Not till they become a teenager." He retorted making her laugh and roll her eyes at him.

He wasn't looking forward to spending all the money they were about to spend on turning a spare bedroom into a nursery but knew it had to be done. She talked about her vision for the room and he had his own ideas. The more he thought about it, the more he was itching to get to creating the nursery for his child. He couldn't wait to find out what it was either. Happy wanted to know if he needed to stock up on ammunition to keep people away from his daughter or if he needed to get more target practice paper to teach his son how to shoot properly. His grin unnerved Noelle as she sat there staring at her husband who had clearly gotten lost in his own thoughts.

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