Chapter 13

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While Noelle and Gemma were otherwise busy, Happy had Juice give her new car an oil change, take a look at all the fluids, made sure the tires were inflated properly, and give it a thorough cleaning on the inside. Jax wondered what was going through Happy's mind. He never acted this way over a chick before. Was it because the girl was only seventeen and he felt responsible for her? Was it...something else? The blond couldn't be sure as Happy sat in the clubhouse awaiting the two women to get back.

Juice finished up with the car and parked it near the office then went back to working on the car he had been assigned before Happy instructed him to look over Noelle's car. The IO didn't understand why the Killah was trying so hard to help this chick. She wasn't anyone's 'ol lady. She wasn't biologically related to anyone in the club. It made no sense to him. Chibs sat on the picnic table by the clubhouse, glancing inside to Happy who seemed, once again, deep in thought.

Gemma made small talk with the young woman as they waited at the DMV. Clay had come straight to her the day he found out about their renter's age ranting and raving about having some kid living in their safe house and what a shit storm she was going to bring to their doorstep. Gemma just let him rant as she sat back in her chair waiting to speak her peace. The girl just wanted to be away from her horrid mother and support herself. She was trying to make a life for herself without her mother's reputation hanging over her head. The Queen didn't think she was going to bring anything to the club.

The Queen wanted to know more specifics about her and her life but the girl just gave vague answers. It bothered Gemma, especially when the more she prodded, the more closed off Noelle became. Once they were done with DMV, after what felt like forever to Noelle, they headed to the local insurance company so Noelle could start an insurance policy on her newly acquired car. Seeing the registration and inspection was already done and transferred, it didn't take too long to get a policy going. She had her registration complete and her insurance card in her hand when they left.

Noelle thanked Gemma for the ride before quickly walking to the clubhouse to find Happy. She needed her keys so she could run some errands. He hated handing them over knowing she would no longer depend on him to get around. She would be much more independent now that she had her own vehicle again. After he handed them over, she thanked him for all his help then turned and walked towards her new car. Putting the insurance card in the glove box, she put her registration sticker on as Josh had taught her to then promptly left the T-M lot.

"What's on your mind, Hap?" Chibs asked as he sat down.

"Something's up with her." The assassin sighed, "I can't put my finger on it."

"Maybe she's just 'avin' a bad day?" Chibs offered.

Happy just grunted not agreeing with his brother. He could feel that something was off with her. Would she open up to him? Sighing as he looked out into the Teller-Morrow lot, he chugged his beer then headed off to his room. For the next several days, no one bothered the Tacoma Killah. Just the looks he'd shoot people for bothering him scared them away. Clay wasn't sure what was up with the assassin and hoped it didn't have anything to do with that underage piece of tail.

Gemma wanted to talk to him but Chibs always told her to leave him alone. It wasn't until one night over a week after she'd gotten the car did something happen that made her run straight to Happy. Something woke her in the middle of the night. Normally back home, Josh would get up and get everyone into the master bathroom while he checked out whatever was going on. She grabbed her phone, shut the bedroom door, and then made her way into the master bathroom. Dialing Happy, she hoped he wouldn't mind coming over.

"What?" He growled when he finally answered the phone.

"Happy? Happy, I heard a noise. I think someone's trying to break in." She explained, "Please hurry over here."

The panic and fear in her voice woke him immediately.

"Hide somewhere safe, little girl. I'll be right there." He sat up and told her.

"I'm in the master bath...please hurry." She quietly told him.

"I'm coming, little girl. Just remain calm and stay where you are." Happy told her as he quickly got dressed, "I gotta hang up but I'm rushing to my bike now."

"Ok." She whispered.

She sat in a corner with her knees up to her chest clutching her phone. It was terrifying to know someone was trying to break into her home and not know where they were at that very moment. Her heart was racing as she sat there. Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and she screamed. A tall man with a ski mask stalked over, grabbed her arm, and yanked her up to her feet. Tears burned in her eyes as he dragged her out of her bedroom. "Please, no." she begged as he pushed her towards her bed.

Happy raced towards her house mind racing with the possibilities. It angered him that someone dared break into her home. Did it have something to do with the club? Had one of the bar patrons followed her home? Was it a simple home invasion and she was a random target? Happy didn't even bother stopping at stop signs or lights. He raced as fast as he could to her home. Parking quickly, he tried to open the front door. It was locked still. He picked the lock then cautiously opened the door.

"Stop! NO!" He heard from the bedroom.

He ran down the hallway and burst through the bedroom door. Noelle had done a good job of fighting off her attacker. The black eye and busted lip she was sporting made him angry as he rushed the attacker knocking them both to the ground. Happy was sitting on his legs and landing punch after punch to the guy's face until he was barely conscious. Noelle was shaking as she sat on her bed watching Happy beating her attacker senseless. She needed him and he came. He was protecting her just like that night she was walking home from the bar and was attacked.

Once the guy was no longer a threat, Happy stood up to look over Noelle. She couldn't look him in the eye, ashamed she had to call on him like a child calling for a parent. He stood in front of her and lifted her chin up so they were looking at one another. He gave her a slight smile.

"Are you ok?" He asked making her nod her head yes, "Did he get very far? (She shook her head no) You did good by calling me. Don't feel bad, ok?"

"I'm sorry." She looked down.

"For what?" Happy inquired as kneeled down in front of her.

"For calling you like a child." Noelle looked away from him.

"No, baby, that's not what you did. You called me because you needed me. Don't think of yourself as a child when you need help." Happy lifted her chin up again.

The guy began stirring so Happy told her to stay where she was while he dealt with the attacker. The assassin picked him up by his collar and drug him out of the room. Noelle was fighting tears as Happy left her alone to do whatever he was about to do. It was more than half an hour before Happy returned. He told her it had been a simple home invasion and she'd been a random target. She sighed as she followed the tall man back into the living room. He told her he'd have the prospects come by later and fix where he'd broken in. "Please stay with me." her quiet voice called out as he opened the door.

He almost didn't hear her but he turned around. She was staring at the ground and biting her lower lip. If she wanted him to stay to make her feel better, he would gladly stay with her. He moved back into the house and shut the door. She stated she was scared and didn't want to be left alone in the house. He smiled at her before moving to sit on the couch and taking his boots off. Then he took his kutte off and laid it carefully on the coffee table. She sat next to him where they remained quiet for a while.

Wanting to be a little more comfortable, he moved around where his left leg was leaning against the couch and his right foot was still on the floor. She curled up between his legs resting her head on his lower stomach. It made him smile, with an odd sense of satisfaction that she needed him still, as he draped an arm over her shoulder and let her drift off to sleep. After they moved positions, she quickly fell asleep. Knowing she was asleep eased his mind enough to follow.

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