Chapter 28

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The drive home from school was just as painful and awkward as the drive to school. She desperately needed one of her pain pills and wanted to relax before Happy came home to read her the riot act. Happy had been in a foul mood all day and no one knew why. Every little thing set him off. None of his brothers even bothered approaching him to try and see what he wanted for lunch. The Killah didn't even bother eating lunch he was so angry. 'She shouldn't be driving around with her leg in a cast when she can barely walk on her own!' he had thought when he realized she'd left on her own to go to class.

At closing time, most of his brothers jumped out of his way as he briskly walked to his bike and sped out of the lot. Juice made a comment about "poor Noelle" since she'd most likely be taking the brunt of Happy's bad mood. Chibs shook his head knowing the Killah would never hurt the girl. If he was angry it was over her safety for some reason. Happy's mind raced as he made his way home over what to say to her. He sighed with relief seeing her car in the driveway when he pulled in. The killer practically raced to the house wanting to see her. There she was sleeping on the couch. He sighed with relief then got angry.

"Noelle?" He shook her non-injured leg, "NOELLE!? Get up!"

She mumbled something as she began rubbing her eyes.

"We gotta have a long talk, little girl." She heard his raspy voice exclaim.


"I said get up because we gotta have a chat." He grunted as he plopped down next to her after she sat up.

"What's up?" She giggled making him roll his eyes.

"You've taken a pain pill, haven't you?" He asked, voice colder than he meant making her shake her head, "Do you know how dangerous it was for you to drive yourself to school today?"

She hung her head not wanting to answer him.

"Answer me!" He demanded.

"I'm sorry." She whispered making him run his hand over his face.

"You can't drive with your leg in a cast. It's perilous." He informed her.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "Don't be mad at me."

Her statement took him off guard. He wasn't expecting her to say something like that.

"What?" He asked.

Tears started to roll down her face silently, "Please don't be mad at me."

Any anger he felt melted away as he watched her trying to hold herself together.

"Little girl, if I'm upset it's because...because I care about you. Deeply. Something could have happened to you." He softened his voice as he spoke.

She sniffled and wiped her face with her hands but remained silent.

"Noelle, you can't even walk by yourself very well with that cast on." He explained.

"I thought I could." She started out, "But as I started on the way to school, I realized what a mistake it was."

"I'll take you to school and pick you up each day. We'll take your car to make it easier on you with your leg." He told her.

"I don't want you being mad at me." She refused to look at him.

He moved to cup her cheek in his hand and turn her head towards his.

"I was angry because I was very worried about you this morning. You nearly gave yourself a concussion walking to the bathroom and there you were in a car trying to drive yourself to school. The possibilities of what could have happened to you was almost to much for me. I don't want anything to happen to you, little girl." He ran his thumb over her tear-stained cheek.

"I'm sorry." She stated again.

"It's ok. Stay here while I call in for dinner." Happy told her before standing up to head to the kitchen where all the take out menus were.

He ordered their dinner then walked back into the living room to await it to arrive. She was still trying to keep from crying but it was a losing battle. The idea of Happy being mad at her really upset her. He sighed before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his side. They sat in silence and watched whatever show was on the TV until there was a knock at the door. Happy took out some money for their dinner before opening the door. Food and money exchanged hands then Happy slammed the door and set their food on the table.

He grabbed a fork for her and some paper towels and drinks. He was sure she was going to make a mess since she was loopy from the pain medicine she'd taken when she got home. She watched him carefully as he set two glasses on the coffee table then handed her a fork. He knew she couldn't use chopsticks from the last time they'd ordered Chinese food. It had amused him greatly but she didn't find it funny and pouted half the night. They turned their attention back to the TV as they ate in silence. She was grateful to have someone who seemed to look after her the way he did.

Here he was making sure she ate. Making sure she had something to drink. Upset because she did something stupid. She looked over at him and he seemed to be calm and relaxed. Unlike most of the time when he's on edge or angry. He had sharp features and she found him rather attractive. His voice held authority to it unlike the idiotic boys back home. They wished they were half the man Happy was. She sighed as she finished eating. Putting her container on the coffee table, she slowly stood up and began making her way down the hall to the bedroom. She stood up too quick and got dizzy. Half way to the hall way, she started stumbling around.

Happy was quick to get up and get to her. "Easy, little girl. Where are you going?" he asked her. She told him she wanted to go lay down again. He slid his arm around her waist and helped her into the bedroom. Using his commanding voice, he told her to sit on the edge of the bed. To her surprise, he started helping her undress. A blush flushed across her face as he did which amused him. He'd helped her get ready for bed the previous night as well and she seemed to be in a more seductive mood than bashful then. He told her to lift her arms up after he grabbed her nightshirt. Slipping it over her head, she pulled him down by his shirt to kiss him.

He pulled away making her pout at him. She asked him to stay with her making him smile. He promised he'd stay but he had to clean up from dinner first. She nodded then scooted over so he had room to climb into bed too when he returned. Grabbing the TV remote, she turned it on and began channel surfing until she got to the Adult Swim channel. She stopped there and scooted around to get more comfortable. Happy quickly cleaned up from dinner, shut the TV off, and locked the door before heading back to her room.

She watched as he stripped down to his boxers then climb into bed. Immediately, she scooted over and curled up next to the Killah with a contented sigh. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders before turning his attention to the TV. She started tracing some of his chest and stomach tattoos with her finger. After a while it started to get to him. Her finger ghosting across his skin. He placed his hand over hers to stop her movements making her look up at him. "You're driving me crazy the way you're touching me." he explained making her smile. She placed a kiss to his chest before closing her eyes.

He laid there trying to calm himself down. Although he hated admitting it to himself, he was really liking the way she was touching him. Ghosting her fingers over his skin. It was driving him crazy but in a good way. 'Her birthday can't come soon enough.' he sighed as he looked down at her to see she had fallen asleep. He kissed her forehead before turning his attention back to the TV. When she woke up, she was alone in bed. Where he slept was cold so he'd been up a little while. She slid out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to do her business. Hobbling into the kitchen, she found him making breakfast again. She sat down at the dining table and waited silently.

A/N: Isn't Happy a good 'ol man already? ^_^

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