Chapter 19

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Things had gone well according to Clay when he, Bobby, and Tig returned. He was just waiting on Jax's report when they returned to see if lifting the lockdown was a good idea or not. Noelle had remained in Happy's room all day, refusing to come out even for lunch. Seeing what a foul mood the killer was in, and not seeing Noelle anywhere, Gemma wondered what had transpired between the pair. It was more than obvious how Happy felt about the young woman. He'd fought with Clay over her being part of the lockdown because he wanted her to be safe.

'What the fuck could they be fighting about?' Gemma wondered as she sat down with her husband and Bobby. Tara didn't care whether Noelle was socializing with everyone or not. All she cared about was her boys and when the lockdown was being lifted. Jax and the others soon arrived. Clay once again called church so they could discuss things. For once, things seemed to be going the way Clay wanted them to. The lockdown could be lifted and everyone could go home. A feeling of sadness hit Happy. She would bolt out of there when she learned the lockdown had been lifted, he was sure of it.

Finishing off his beer, he slammed the bottle on the table then headed down the corridor to the dorms. He opened the door to see her laying across the bed watching TV. She didn't even glance at him as he entered. It took a lot of will-power for her to keep from looking at him. She waited for him to speak as she watched the TV screen. Happy remained silent for a few minutes debating on what to say to her. He had done nothing wrong so he didn't feel the need to apologize. He was just trying to keep her safe.

"Lockdown's been lifted. You're free to go back to your place." Happy stated, voice sounding much colder than he intended.

"Oh? Good." She replied just as coldly as she turned the TV off.

He watched as she grabbed her bag and unceremoniously left his room. Sighing, he quickly followed hoping she'd stop and talk to him. He found her thanking Gemma for something before looking over at Chibs and giving a slight head nod. The Scotsman nodded back as he watched Happy and Noelle. Something had happened and it wasn't good. He got up to ask the assassin what had gone on. With a grunt, Happy told him about the little argument that morning. "Go after her, brother! You'll regret lettin' 'er leave without talking t' 'er!" Chibs exclaimed as he slapped Happy's back.

Happy wasn't so sure she'd even want to talk to him, especially the way she acted in his room. He walked and sat out on the picnic table and watched as she left the lot to head back to her home. Juice came out to sit with him so he asked the IO to go hack into her home and let him know when she arrived home. Juice looked at him funny until Happy growled at him. He scurried off to do as Happy had asked. She stopped by the diner to grab some dinner to go before heading home. Since she already had a shower that morning, she didn't have to shower before work.

Juice told Happy when she arrived and that it looked like she'd stopped somewhere to get some food to go. Happy just nodded his thanks and walked back out to the picnic tables. Would he ever get to see her again? Would she ever talk to him again? This was exactly why he never did relationships! They got messy and messed people up. It's why Jax always got so messed up whenever he was involved with a woman. Happy hated himself for falling so hard and fast for Noelle. Yet, he still couldn't place what attracted him so much to her. Besides how beautiful she was. It was more than that and it bugged him as to what it really was.

Figuring she'd be going to work, Happy decided to get smashed alone in his room. Chibs just sighed to himself. The Killah was not one to really talk about his feelings or open up to people. Knowing how infatuated he was with Noelle made Chibs want to help his brother out with the girl. Since Happy wasn't going to be a man and talk to her, Chibs thought he would do it for his friend. He finished off his beer then headed to the bar. Although he had to wait about twenty minutes, he made sure to get himself seated in Noelle's section.

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