Chapter 40

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Noelle's whole night was total shit. If it wasn't customers being total assholes, it was shitty tips, or it was one waitress bailing on them leaving just two to cover the whole bar, or it was the bartenders being jerks. The fight she'd had with Happy before coming into work hadn't done anything to improve her mood. Knowing she was going to go home to an empty house made her bad mood even worse. Noelle couldn't wait to get off work and hit her bed. She was exhausted, emotionally and physically. These late nights was getting to her.

Finally, it was time to close the bar. Her ass hurt from people smacking or pinching it all night. She just wanted to curl up in her bed and have a good cry. She did her closing work, bid her co-workers a good night, and headed for her car. As she was unlocking her car door, someone came up behind her and pushed her into the car. She began to panic as she felt hands groping her. Happy had taught her a little self defense so when the guy flipped her around, she came out with a right hook. It landed straight to the guy's nose making it bleed profusely.

He called her a bitch as he grabbed his nose. As he was bent over, she kneed him in the face then scrambled to get into her car. Before he could stand up, she had her doors locked and was starting the engine. She took off down the road, adrenaline pumping, body trembling, mind going over what nearly happened. She raced home, adrenaline still pumping, and pulled into the driveway. She fumbled with unlocking the door then quickly shut it behind her and locked it. She pulled out her phone, hands trembling as she hit the speed dial that was Happy's.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Happy...I was attacked when I left work. I hit him before he could really do anything then kneed him in the face as he was bent over. I got in the car as he was holding his nose. I...I'm scared." She explained.

"Hold on, little girl. I'll be right there." Happy told her before leaning down and putting his boots back on.

Chibs watched the Tacoma Killah race out of the parking lot. He wondered where Happy was going but wasn't going to call to find out. Happy's thoughts raced as he sped through town to their shared home. Was she alright? Did the creep hit her? He finally pulled into their driveway and quickly shut the engine off. He got to the door and unlocked it. The house was dark so he shut the door and locked it behind him. He called out her name as he slowly walked through the house. Walking into the bedroom, he found her curled up on the bed in one of his SAMCRO shirts cuddling his pillow and trying not to cry.

He sat down on the bed and pulled her into his lap. She flung her arms around his torso as she buried her face in his neck. Happy slipped his arms around her waist as he held her to him. "Shh. You're safe, little girl. I'm here." Happy cooed in her ear. She breathed in his scent and snuggled even closer to him. He rested his head against hers and inhaled deeply. He loved her smell. He loved the smell of her body wash and of her shampoo. Tilting her head up, he gently pressed his lips to hers. He didn't want to stay the night at the clubhouse. He wanted to be with his wife, with his 'ol lady.

"Are you going to stay with me?" She whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere, little girl." He whispered back.

"I love you so much, Happy." She stated.

"Me too."

He leaned down to kiss her again, this time with a little more passion. She wanted to forget that creep who tried to put his hands on her. Happy's hands roamed her body until they were grasping her ass in both hands. She moved to straddle his lap, never breaking their kiss, and cupped his face in both her hands. She wanted this. She needed this. He wanted to show her how much he cared and loved her. Slipping his shirt over her head was the only reason they'd broken their kiss. She was left in nothing but her panties as he began to palm her womanhood earning a low moan in response.

"How wet are you for me right now?" He growled in her ear as she began unbuckling his belt.

"I want you so bad..." She trailed as his lips attached themselves to her neck.

She knew there'd be a huge hickey there tomorrow but she didn't care. All that mattered was him and her in this moment. She freed his huge cock from his boxers and began to slowly stroke him earning a moan as he bit at her neck and shoulder. He'd discovered she loved being bitten by him. He'd biter her, then lick where he'd just bitten, and then kiss it. For some reason it drove her wild when he did it. He pulled away and ordered her to take her panties off. With a smirk, she slid off his lap, turned around, jutted her ass out, and began wiggling her butt as she slowly slid the black lace panties down her legs. Happy growled at the display as he slowly stroked himself.

When she stepped out of them, he beckoned her to him with his finger. He stood up and let his jeans fall to his ankles. She grabbed his boxers and yanked them down for him to step out of. He quickly slipped his shirt over his head before crashing his lips to hers once more. His hands found her ass again, giving them a firm squeeze as he pushed her into him making her moan. "I want you, little girl." he growled into her ear before moving and throwing her onto the bed. She bit her bottom lip as she watched him crawl onto the bed and hover over her.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you forget your own name." He stated making her squirm under his intense gaze.

He quickly spread her legs apart before settling himself between them. She was already soaking wet and feeling him probing himself at her entrance just made her wetter. He teased her by pushing just the head of his cock inside her. She arched her back bringing a smile to his face. Grabbing his muscley arms, she moaned out for him. "What do you want, baby?" Happy nearly purred in her ear. She shouted that she wanted him. He smirked as he pushed himself a little further in. Not able to take the teasing, she began begging for all of him. He leaned down, lips grazing her ear.

"You want this big, hard cock to fill you up?" He asked.

"Yes! Fill me up! Fuck me!" She begged as his lips found her neck once more.

He rammed himself all the way in making her scream out and begin clawing at his back. He didn't give her time to adjust before pulling all the way out and ramming straight back in. He latched his mouth onto her left breast and began sucking at her nipple causing her to gasp at the feeling. She continued to scratch at his back as he pounded into her. His right hand snaked its way down and he began rubbing her clit with his thumb. It was nearly too much for her as her whole body tensed up with her impending orgasm. All she could do was scream out his name as she began to spasm around him.

He captured her lips with his own as he sped up his movements, his own orgasm coming at him like a freight train. He buried his face in her neck as he continued to thrust through his release, her hugging him tightly to her. He laid there as he tried to regulate his breathing. She was basking in the glow of fabulous sex with her 'ol man. "That was fucking amazing." she ran her hand over his bald head making him kiss her neck. "Isn't it always?" he countered making her laugh and agree.

He finally pulled out and rolled onto his back. She immediately snuggled up next to him. As she laid there, she began tracing some of his stomach tattoos with her index finger while he rubbed small circles on her back. These late nights were going to be the death of her, she was sure of it, since she would only be getting a few hours' worth of sleep. Her eyes were heavy as she laid there knowing she needed to get to sleep. Just as she started to drift off to sleep, he began to speak.

"I love you, little girl." He told her, "I just want to protect you and keep you safe."

"I love you too, Happy. It's appreciated." She mumbled back before sleep over-took her.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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