Chapter 55

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Noelle was at T-M with the baby to see her 'ol man off on this run. He kissed her passionately not caring who saw him or not. He grabbed his son and kissed his forehead before handing the baby back to his wife. She made him promise to call as often as he could and to be safe. He promised he would before he walked to his bike. Gemma walked over and draped her arm around the younger woman. Runs like this were always hard. Even being away from your 'ol man for a few days were rough. But two whole weeks? Noelle sighed as she watched the bikers slowly make their way out of the lot.

"It'll be ok, baby. They'll be back before you know it." Gemma told her earning a silent head nod in response.

Two weeks was a long time when you're alone in the house with a new baby and you're on maternity leave. She cleaned the house as best as she could as she was still recovering from the birth and the procedure she had to have afterwards. She made big meals that she could eat on for several days to lessen how much cooking she had to do. It was rough getting up and down all night with the baby all by herself. She loved spending time with him but wished his father was there too. As he promised, he called her every night to see how things were and make sure everything was ok.

She always promised him they were fine and that his little ass kicker was doing great. He whispered he loved her on several occasions bringing a smile to her face. He didn't say it often but she still loved hearing it. There was something about that deep voice telling her he loved her that made her into a puddle. The day they were set to return, she gave the house a thorough cleaning and had a good meal waiting on him for when he returned. They had church before they could all go home. Things had gone well while they were gone on the run. Bobby split the money they made and handed it out to everyone. Clay finally slammed his gavel down and people filtered out into the clubhouse.

Jax, Opie, and Happy headed straight home to see their 'ol ladies and children. Tig wanted to find some sweet thing to bury himself into now that he was home. Bobby just wanted to go home and relax and maybe do some baking. Clay wanted to go home, see his wife, eat a good meal, and maybe get some before crawling into his own bed for the night. Hearing Happy's bike coming up the driveway made her very giddy. It had been a long two weeks. He all but stormed the house before pulling her into his arms and crashing his lips to hers. He hated being away from her always afraid something was going to happen and he couldn't protect her.

"I've missed you so much, baby. Me and Jagger both." She mumbled into his chest as he held her tightly to him.

"I've missed you too, little girl. And my little ass kicker." He replied before pulling away, "Speaking of. Where is he?"

"In his crib. Go fetch him while I finish up dinner." She smiled up at her husband.


Things had been going great. No turf disputes with the Niners. No issues with the Mayans. The Irish were happy. Everything seemed to be going great. During his lunch breaks, while Noelle was still on maternity leave, Happy headed home to have lunch with his wife and check up on her and Jagger. She loved seeing her big, bad, scary 'ol man holding his son and talking to him. Happy loved telling the infant all about his day and what things he'd gotten up to that day. "Guess what daddy almost did today, my little ass kicker? I nearly hit Juice with a wrench because he's an annoying little idiot." It always made Noelle laugh.

One afternoon, he came home and noticed the door was slightly ajar. Her car was parked in its normal space so he whipped out his gun and slowly entered the residence. He called out her name but nothing. There were no sounds at all except for his voice. When he walked into the kitchen, his heart stopped. A glass was shattered on the floor, there was blood everywhere, and no signs of his wife. He left the kitchen and walked into each room hoping to find her hiding somewhere with their son. Each and every room was empty.

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