Chapter 6

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As he promised, when he made it to the clubhouse, he told Clay about the conversation he'd had with Noelle and the proposition he'd made her. Even Bobby thought it was a good idea so they could keep an eye out on her. Clay puffed on his cigar before taking a sip of his coffee as his son talked. After a few minutes of debate, Clay finally gave the OK. Jax went to tell Gemma about them renting their safe house to Noelle. It made her feel a bit better about the girl not staying in some sleazy pay-by-the-week motel.

Like he told her he would, he called her burner phone to let her know what had been decided and that he was coming over with one of the club's prospects with their van so they could get her moved. She thanked him before they hung up. 'At least I'll have a decent house to live in while I'm here.' she thought as she hastily packed up. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. She tensed up before looking out the window. There was Jax with a nervous looking kid. She sighed and moved to open the door.

Jax smiled at her and told the kid to start picking up her bags. She grabbed the last one and followed the pair out to the awaiting van. Jax told her to ride with the prospect once she turned in her key. She was a bit nervous about moving into a house owned by a motorcycle gang but if the overall rent was going to be lower than what she paid for the month at the motel, then so be it. And she'd be able to buy groceries and cook for herself instead of going to the diner for every meal. It was a huge incentive for her to accept the offer.

The ride to her new residence was quiet. The only sound was of the local radio station playing. She watched as they drove along to a fairly nice neighborhood. It was going to be a very long walk to work each day she sighed as she climbed out of the van. Jax had the prospect get all her bags while he opened the door and gave her a tour of her new home. It was nicely decorated and quite homely. Just what she missed about her best friend's home.

"This is going to be a very long walk to work each day." She commented as she looked through the kitchen, "And I'm going to need to go grocery shopping."

"Prospect! Take Noelle to the grocery store. Help her unload when you return then head back to the clubhouse." Jax ordered the young man.

"Thanks." Noelle stated.

"Don't worry about a ride to work. I'll figure something out." Jax told her.

He handed her the key to the house before they all walked out. She locked up then followed the prospect to the van. Jax headed straight for the clubhouse while the prospect did as he was told. He followed her around the store in case she needed help with anything figuring that's what Jax would have him do. An hour later and they were pulling back up into her driveway. She grabbed some bags then opened the door. They unloaded the van, she thanked him for all his help, then he headed back to the clubhouse leaving her to put up all her groceries.

She was very thankful the house was indeed fully furnished including the kitchen. One less thing to worry about. And it would save her money if she could make meals for herself since she could have more than one meal out of something she cooked. She wouldn't have to leave for the bar as early to stop at the diner for dinner before she left either. Seeing a dishwasher made her very happy. No washing dishes by hand! Jax was explaining about her walking to work and asking what they should do about it. She was trying to save up to buy herself a car but it was going to take a long while for that to happen.

"I can take her to work. I've already told her I'd be taking her home." Happy suddenly piped up making them all look at him strangely, "What?"

"I'm just surprised you're offering to help the girl after what she did to you the other day." Clay smirked.

"Let's not talk about that." Happy grunted making a few of his brothers laugh.

"Well, unless we have another solution then I guess Happy is her ride to and from work." Jax stated, "Get her number from Gemma and let her know, Hap."

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