Chapter 3

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Jax walked into the clubhouse and set her in a chair. She stood up but was quickly pushed back down. Looking around she realized she had been encircled by a bunch of bikers. Her self-protective instincts kicked in and her adrenaline began pumping. Clay walked over, puffing on his cigar, and looked to Jax.

"What happened to you?" He asked his son.

"Girl's got a mean right hook." Jax stated.

"Who are you?" Clay inquired.

"Someone who just wants her fucking car fixed so she can hit the road." Noelle crossed her arms across her chest.

"Don't be smart, little girl." Happy growled at her.

"Shut the hell up." Noelle hissed at him making Chibs chuckle at her and Happy growl.

"It's a simple question, Darlin'." Jax stated.

"You want to know me, go look at your invoice of my car." She defiantly stated.

"That's not what we meant, sweetheart." Bobby piped up.

"Then my other answer still stands." She huffed.

"Just tell us who you are." Clay said.

"As I already told you, I'm just a girl who wants her car fixed so I can hit the road. Nothing more, nothing less." Noelle stated.

"Juice, find anything about her?" Clay asked.

"No, not really." Juice replied.

"What's the "not really" part?" Bobby looked over at the IO.

"Seems her parents had a very nasty divorce. It was in the local newspaper in her hometown. That's all I've really found about her." Juice explained.

"Talk to us. Who are you? Where are you going?" Jax urged.

"God you people are thick headed!" She huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, "I just want my car so I can leave. How hard is that for you fuckers to understand?"

"Give me some time with her. I'll make her talk." Happy said from his seat.

"That won't be necessary, Hap." Clay stated.

"Let me talk t' 'er." Chibs offered.

She watched as everyone backed away from the table and an older man with salt-and-pepper hair with scars going across both sides of his face pulled up a chair in front of her.

"Lass, I'm Filip. Everyone calls me Chibs. We're not goin' t' 'urt ye." Chibs introduced himself.

"All I want is my car fixed so I can get up the road. That's all. I don't know why you guys can't understand that." She huffed.

"Your name is Noelle, right? (She nodded) Tell me a lil about yourself, Noelle." He asked.

"No. There's nothing about me that you need to know. Just give me my car so I can go." She repeated.

"I'm telling you, Clay, I can get the girl to talking." Happy exclaimed.

"Like you did earlier?" Juice poked fun at the killer.

"Fuck off, Juice." Happy retorted making the IO back away from the table.

"Let Chibs try to crack her first." Clay stated as he watched the girl and Chibs.

Chibs began telling Noelle about himself, about how his wife and daughter were taken right out from under him, how he got the scars, how he came to the States, and how he came to be with SAMCRO. He had to explain a little bit about the club so she understood what he was talking about. She still didn't care if she was offending anyone or not. All she wanted was to get somewhere else. He asked her to tell him a little bit about herself but she still refused.

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